
Chinese Shopper Gets Her Leg Severed Off By Escalator In Horrifying Video

Shutterstock Photo Alexander Canas Arango)

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A 60-year-old woman had her leg severed off by an escalator after the steps gave way underneath her at a Chinese shopping mall.

A family member of the woman claimed she had “nothing to step on” after the steps collapsed, according to a report published Monday by Daily Mail. However, eyewitnesses claimed the woman tried to get on the escalator while it was still being repaired.

Video shows the woman trapped in a gap on the escalator Saturday at a mall in China’s Heilongjiang Province. Firefighters reportedly took 30 minutes to free her from the gap. Her left leg had already been severed by the escalator when she was pulled free. (RELATED: Shocking Video Shows Possessed Escalator Going HAYWIRE. Serious Injuries Reported [VIDEO])

She reportedly sustained injuries to her right foot as well.

One witness claimed the escalator had seemed to be working as normal, but when the woman stepped on, the step gave way. Other witnesses claim the woman forced her way onto the escalator even though it “was still being tested.”

“The escalator was being repaired and there were barriers all around it. She removed the barriers and stepped onto the escalator,” one witness told Pear Video, according to Daily Mail. “The escalator had just been repaired and was still being tested.”

“She wouldn’t be stopped. She refused to listen,” another woman added.

The woman was taken to a local hospital and is said to be in stable condition. It is unclear if her severed limb will be reattached.

Having your leg severed at a shopping mall sounds exactly like my worst nightmare. Malls are supposed to be pleasant experiences where you buy items you don’t exactly need, but definitely make you feel good about yourself.

I definitely won’t be using an escalator the next time I’m at one though.