
McConnell On Dismissal Of Trump Impeachment Articles: ‘We’ll Have To Have A Trial’

Photographer: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Henry Rodgers Chief National Correspondent
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Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Wednesday that the Senate cannot dismiss the articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump, meaning there will be a trial.

“I don’t think there’s any question that we have to take up the matter. The rules of impeachment are very clear, we’ll have to have a trial. My own view is that we should give people the opportunity to put the case on,” McConnell told reporters after being asked about dismissing the articles of impeachment.

(Photographer: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

Most Republican senators refused to rule out voting to remove Trump from office in an impeachment trial over the Ukraine scandal when contacted by the Daily Caller at the end of October. (RELATED: EXCLUSIVE: We Asked Every GOP Senator About Impeachment. Seven Ruled It Out.)

The Caller contacted all 53 Republican Senate offices to ask if senators would rule out voting to remove Trump from office, and received a variety of responses–seven senators explicitly rejected impeachment in their statement.

Senate Republicans do not appear to be concerned about House Democrats’ ongoing efforts to impeach Trump, with many saying even if the House were to move forward with impeachment, that there is no way the Senate would vote to impeach the president. (RELATED: Senate Republicans Are Not At All Worried About Impeachment)

The Daily Caller spoke with over ten GOP senators in mid-October, who all shared their views about House Democrats’ efforts to impeach the President. Not one senator was concerned about the impeachment process, saying they are most concerned about the Democrats’ ongoing attempts to impeach Trump based on no hard evidence. (RELATED: Lindsay Graham: Impeachment ‘Is Dead On Arrival’ If Senate Doesn’t Talk To Whistleblower)

Meanwhile, House Democrats will continue to hold open impeachment hearings throughout the next weeks.