
‘Salem Witches Got Better Deals’: Lindsey Graham Unloads On Pelosi Over Impeachment

(Fox News screengrab)

Virginia Kruta Associate Editor
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Republican South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham unloaded on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi after her Thursday announcement that House Democrats planned to move forward with articles of impeachment.

“Glad to see @SpeakerPelosi is ‘keeping her word’ to be thoughtful and prayerful about impeachment. One day after hearings involving law professors giving their opinions she is directing Articles of Impeachment be drafted,” Graham tweeted, concluding, “Salem witches got better deals than this.” (RELATED: Graham Makes His Move — Requests Documents On Ukraine, Joe And Hunter Biden)

Graham went on to suggest that Pelosi was being forced into a corner by the more vocal progressive wing of the party, adding, “Speaker Pelosi is the conductor of the impeachment train in name only. The American people understand @SpeakerPelosi has 2 choices: Drive the train or be Run Over by It. She’s living in fear of The Squad.”

Graham had previously said that any potential impeachment trial would be “dead on arrival” in the Senate if both the whistleblower and Hunter Biden were not called to testify.