The Mirror

‘Hell No’: Megyn Kelly Blasts Female Reporter For #MeToo B.S.

By TheDC.

Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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Quote of the Day:

“Yo refusero to commento on el Giuliaño por que el primero rule of clùb del mayoro es no talko abouto clùb del mayoro.” 

Miguel Bloombito parody account.

MOOD: “Note to all emotionally insecure friends: Don’t Worry!!!! I will be using multiple exclamation points in all texts and emails to show I’m delighted in you in all your aspects!!!!!!” — David Brooks, NYT op-ed columnist, with heart emojis, which I don’t typically run because sometimes they make my computer lose its mind.

Megyn Kelly lets Julia Ioffe have it on believing women  

Megyn Kelly is a former anchor at Fox News and talk show host at NBC. She was portrayed by Charlize Theron in the movie “Bombshell” which is the Hollywood story of the takedown of the now deceased Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes, who was accused of sexually harassing a ton of women at the network. Before he died, he denied the allegations. Ioffe is a correspondent for GQ.

JULIA IOFFE: “Still thinking about the Warren-Bernie squabble and I have a question to people who have accused Warren of lying: isn’t the lesson of #metoo and the last few years that we believe women and don’t call them liars?”

MEGYN KELLY: “Hell no that is not the lesson. It’s that women are entitled to open minds and the elimination of what used to be a knee-jerk dismissal of their claims. Due process for both sides. Believe all women is utter nonsense. (Hi, Duke LAX. Hi, Julie Swetnick.)”

Sen. Martha McSally insults CNN reporter, calls him a ‘liberal hack’

“Sen. Martha McSally, a Republican facing a difficult election race, lashed out when I asked if she would consider new evidence as part of the Senate trial. ‘You’re a liberal hack – I’m not talking to you. You’re a liberal hack.’ She then walked into a hearing room.” — Manu Raju, CNN congressional reporter. Sen. Martha McSally is a Republican from Arizona. (RELATED: Illan Omar Snaps At CNN’s Manu Raju — ‘What’s Wrong With You?’)

FWIW: Raju has always enjoyed the praise and respect of his peers and employs a fair, polite approach to interviewing lawmakers. The Mirror worked with him at a previous outlet.

Trump War Room responded by cheering for McSally and asking voters for money. Here.  

NYT’s White House correspondent Maggie Haberman cracked, “And here is McSally’s reward, for those wondering why she did it.”

CNN PR: “It is extremely unbecoming for a U.S. Senator to sink to this level and treat a member of the press this way for simply doing his job.” (CNN’s Jake Tapper made this statement on air in the 1 p.m. hour.)

Wolf Blitzer to Manu Raju on CNN Thursday afternoon: “Certainly you’re one of the most respected reporters on Capitol Hill.” Blitzer told Raju that McSally ought to get in touch and say she’s sorry. “Just awful awful,” he added.

Human Events Publisher Will Chamberlain wrote (sarcastically): “I’m so sorry this happened to you.”

NYT‘s reporter likes to keep her home like a sauna 

“Love living alone so I can keep the thermostat at a healthy 87 degrees.” — Taylor Lorenz, writer, NYT.

In case anyone suspects Elizabeth Warren’s stage moment wasn’t staged 

“BTW anyone who has worn a microphone during a televised event is aware that it may be on before the event begins and during commercial breaks and after the event ends.” — Olivia Nuzzi, New York Mag.

Geraldo may get invited back on ‘Hannity’ after all 

“To be clear, I concede everything the House accuses @realDonaldTrump ⁦‪of doing vis-a-vis Ukraine & #HunterBiden It was tacky & inappropriate. It was not a crime. Hasn’t he been punished enough? He’s been harassed, harried & Impeached. That’s enough. The Senate must acquit & quick.” — Geraldo Rivera, longtime Fox Newser, on Thursday morning. (RELATED: ‘Hannity’ Cancels Geraldo During Iran Coverage)

Dear Men: Shhhhh

“Dear men. Let’s review this: I am the woman, you don’t tell me what’s sexist or what’s not sexist. If you don’t think something is sexist that a woman says is, look at it from her angle. Still don’t get it? Accept it. You can’t be in her shoes but she knows it, you don’t.” — Luciana Lambert, actress, writer, vegan.

Idiotic tweet of the Week: “You know one clear way to demonstrate that you believe a woman can and should be president? Don’t try to defeat a woman running for President.” — Matthew Dowd, chief political analyst, ABC News.”


“I have no idea who is going to be the Democratic nominee and I don’t have any special insight just because I’m a journalist.” — German Lopez, senior correspondent, Vox.

Journos dish about Trump needing glasses

Sam Stein, The Daily Beast: “Further proof that Trump should wear glasses but chooses not to in public (first posited by @ashleyfeinberg)”

Maggie Haberman, NYT: “This has been reported more than a few times that he needs glasses but doesn’t like wearing them in front of people.”

Gossip Roundup

Gigi Haddid is off the Harvey Weinstein trial. Here.

‘Shitty Media Men’ list founder asks you not to call her mom with threats 

“Hi! You can disagree with me about sexism in the Sanders movement in good faith. If you reply in a way that doesn’t seem hateful or condescending, you might even change my mind. But please do not contact my mom with your complaints or threats toward me.” — Moira Donegan, opinion writer, Guardian. (RELATED: Women Give Author of ‘Sh*tty Media Men’ List A Big Kiss)

Earlier this week, Donegan argued that it was appalling that anyone is doubting Elizabeth Warren‘s claim that her opponent Bernie Sanders told her that woman could not be elected president.

Amanda Terkel, HuffPost: “The problem with worrying that a woman can’t defeat Trump — you may be discouraging more women from running from office in the future.” Read more here

Eddie Scarry, Washington Examiner: “The ‘can a woman win’ question is so outdated. The right woman simply hasn’t come song. Sarah Palin could have been President if she hadn’t chosen being an ignorant TV talker instead.”

Rapper Ja Rule on Twitter: “Social Media is for clowns… if all the celebs left social media there would be no more social media!!!”

Andrew Yang Gives His Wife A Shout-Out

Matt Gaetz’s sister has a philosophy on ‘punching down’ 

“Some folks don’t engage with trolls because they don’t want to punch down. Here’s the thing though — if you come at me, I don’t care if the punch comes from down, up, across the street or ‘round the way, I’m liable to hit back. That’s just how I’m built, for better or for worse.” — Erin Gaetz, a former aide on ex-Florida Gov. Jeb Bush’s 2016 president campaign.

Trump Hotel bar is the place to be 

“Memo to all DC reporters, spend a lot more time late in the evening in the bar at the Trump hotel. Sort of old school. And sadly doesn’t really work with morning show schedules.” — Katty Kay, BBC.

“Many many reporters every night for last 4 years at Trump Hotel. Get sources and mixed nuts with cocktails.” — Emily Miller, former anchor, One America News Network.

Sydney Leathers ruffles feathers with Rand Paul tweets

Leathers is the ex-sexting partner to ex-Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.). She writes for Penthouse and Washington Babylon. 

“@RandPaul remember when your neighbor beat you up lol.”

“…just to clarify, I’m not encouraging anyone to beat him up. I just think it’s really, really fucking funny that his neighbor did.”

“Tweeted one dumb little comment & I’ve got right wingers tagging the secret service and homeland security lmfaooo who are the real snowflakes.”

Don Jr. bitches about his father’s bad press 

“The media has mistreated my dad worse than ANY president in history. But they’re wrong, and his record speaks for itself. America wants 4 more years, and the #TrumpArmy is going to get us there. Join us for a National Day of Action on Jan. 18!” — Donald Trump Jr.