
Tucker Carlson: Democrats Holding Up Coronavirus Relief Putting ‘Wokeness’ Over The American People

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Fox News host Tucker Carlson blasted Democrats for trying to pack the coronavirus stimulus bill with leftist Democratic goals that have “nothing to do with fighting the pandemic.”

On Monday, the Senate failed to pass a procedural cloture vote on phase-three of the bill, earning sharp criticism from Republicans like Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy, who accused them of continuing “to double down on stupid.”

During a Monday night “Tucker Carlson Tonight” monologue that included the chyron”Wokeness Above All,” the Fox News host detailed several measures included in the 1,400 page House Democratic bill that he contended could only be conceived by people “indulging their creepy ideological obsessions.”


“The bill would require every corporation that receives coronavirus aid to have officers and a budget dedicated to diversity and inclusion initiatives for a minimum of five years after they get the money, because that is going to keep America healthy and prosperous, just like it has,” Carlson said. “Companies would also have to produce elaborate racial reports for the government listing the skin color and the sex of their officers and boards of directors. They have to prove they give enough money to firms owned by women and nonwhites, and of course how much they spend on diversity initiatives.”

The Daily Caller co-founder said the bill “uses the words diverse or diversity more than 60 times.”

“What does that have to do with the pandemic that might kill you?” he asked. “Not one thing. Just more ugly race politics, the kind they specialize in.”

While the bill sets aside $300 million to hire experts to manage outbreak preparation and response, it “orders that employees be chosen on the basis of their race and disability status.”

“This is insanity, it’s dangerous insanity,” said the Fox News host. “Who cares what color your scientists are?” (RELATED: Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick Explains Why, At Almost 70, He’s Willing To Take The Risk And Put America ‘Back To Work’)

Carlson listed several other Democratic measures, including mandating early voter periods in all 50 states, allowing same-day voter registration, expanding collective bargaining for federal employees, requiring airlines accepting federal money to offset carbon emissions, and even provisions “to protect foreign nationals working here in the U.S.”

“So we are staring down the barrel of the most profound employment crisis of our lifetime, that’s not an exaggeration, and what are Democrats doing?” Carlson asked. “They’re trying to automatically renew Visas and work permits for all immigrants here in the U.S., because their jobs are very important, way more important than yours. Democrats want to make certain that people who are replacing you are secure and happy.”

Carlson ended the monologue by also criticizing Senate Republicans who want to “kill the requirement that companies that receive bailout funds stop sending American jobs overseas.”

“Why would they do something like that?” he asked.