
HART: Joe Biden Is Hiding From More Than Just Coronavirus

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Ron Hart Contributor
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After another sexual misconduct allegation was made by former Joe Biden staffer Tara Reade, for about forty days the presidential candidate was harder to find than hand sanitizer. Now we know the reason. Biden had to bide his time to make sure he could convince the secretary of the Senate not to release documents. He was apparently successful, and so he came out of his basement bunker in Delaware like a groundhog to declare six more weeks of dancing around the #MeToo issues.

The mainstream media did not report on it, and all the #MeToo partisans demanded nothing. This is how media works. It is an article of faith that sexual misconduct allegations can only be exploited against you if you are a Republican.

Party hacks like Stacey Abrams, Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi all practiced social distancing from this charge, at all times keeping a safe six feet away from their previously stated convictions that all women must be heard and believed.

In the #MeToo era, many opportunistic women degrade those really damaged by true rape or assault by lodging claims of events past that are late and either financially — or notoriety — driven. Having been involved in managing money for wealthy people and (I like to think) being a keen observer of politics, when a person with financial motives lodges a claim against a vulnerable, high-profile person, I often doubt it. I have just seen too many shakedowns and too many families hurt.

I did not believe Blasey-Ford’s account of a high school make-out session that, in her view through the mists of time, went too far. She told no one at the time the event supposedly happened. She only remembered when it was convenient to smear Judge Kavanaugh at his Supreme Court hearing. I learned about sex the way most high school boys like Kavanaugh did: trial and error. Likely he was an awkward, sexually inexperienced, teenage nerd trying to round first on a woman with a selective memory who would later become a Democrat donor, professor and activist.

Nor do I totally believe Reade’s account of a married Joe Biden trying to round third on her decades ago. However, Reade’s claims have more facts, more real-time documentation and sound more realistic.

Joe Biden finally broke his awkward silence in the friendly confines of PMS-NBC in an interview with Mika Brzezinski. His excuses ranged from “I do not remember the incident” and “The left hand did not know what the right hand was doing” to “I think I was just trying to get my change back from a vending machine.”

Personal records, which the University of Delaware has hidden, might reside among Joe Biden’s papers stored in the building named after him. I can point out which building; it’s the one where the elevator no longer goes all the way to the top.

Blasey-Ford’s claims were orchestrated, their timing suspicious. Reporters chased down Kavanaugh’s roommates from the 1980s, but cannot seem to find time to look at public archives on complaints about a handsy Biden.

I do not think we want to live in a world where a self-proclaimed “victim” with an agenda, either financial or political, is allowed to ruin another person’s life with next-to-no evidence. We have reached a point where some high-profile men will not even get on an elevator alone with a co-worker or have meetings in their offices. Certainly the days of drinks after work are over. The net result: less collaborative and collegial work forces, and this is not good. I have heard of instances where some women walk around offices claiming they were sexually assaulted, and when asked by whom, they say, “Whoever is willing to pay.”

So where are we? The thinly-veiled “believe all women” mantra the left uses against political opponents has been exposed for what it is. Pelosi, Schumer, Clinton and Stacey Abrams have revealed their hypocrisy.

Since Bill Clinton’s — and now Trump’s – peccadilloes were made public, the American people really do not care much about “he said, she said” sex lives of politicians. They care more about results, and that is a good thing.

Biden has self-righteously announced he will pick a woman to be his running mate, and the Democrat Party, collectively worried, is giving him a lot of help. Their fear is that Biden will try to hand pick her.

A libertarian op-ed humorist and award-winning author, Ron’s a frequent guest on TV and radio. He can be contacted at Ron@RonaldHart.com or @RonaldHart on Twitter.