
Lincoln Riley: Spring Football Is ‘Doable’

(Jamie Squire/Getty Images)

David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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Oklahoma football coach Lincoln Riley thinks games happening in the spring is a very real option.

With the coronavirus pandemic continuing to cause major issues in the world of sports, we have no idea what will happen with football. One of the options is playing games in the spring. While I think it’s a bad idea, the man leading the Sooners is open to it. (RELATED: David Hookstead Is The True King In The North When It Comes To College Football)


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Riley said the following during a Zoom call with the media about the situation, according to ESPN:

I think the people who say it’s not [an option], in my opinion, just don’t want to think about it. I just think it would be wrong of us to take any potential option off the table right now. I think it’d be very difficult to say the spring is not a potential option. I, for one, think it’s very doable.

I don’t think anyone is claiming that playing games in the spring is impossible. Logistically speaking, it’s for sure doable.

However, the problem with moving the schedule to the spring is that it disrupts everything going down the road.


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I find it hard to believe we can play the national title game in May, and then turn around and start playing again in September.

That seems incredibly unrealistic. On top of that, you also have to recognize top NFL draft prospects will 100% sit out the season if it moves to the spring.

They’re not going to risk injuries right before the draft.


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Moving games to the spring should absolutely only be a last resort option. Short of the season not happening at all, we shouldn’t even entertain the idea of playing in the spring.