
Media Censoring Negative Biden News May Have Cost Trump The Election, Swing State Poll Shows

(Mark Makela/Getty Images)

Shelby Talcott Senior White House Correspondent
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The media’s censorship of negative President-elect Joe Biden news and positive President Donald Trump stories may have cost Trump the election, according to a poll published by The Media Research Center (MRC).

Among those surveyed, one in six Biden voters said they would not have voted for the president-elect if they had been aware of one or more of the news stories presented to them, the poll found. MRC’s poll, conducted by The Polling Company, asked voters about eight news stories that “the liberal news media had failed to cover properly,” a press release from the MRC noted. (RELATED: New MRC Study Shows Just How Biased The Media Truly Are)

“A shift of this magnitude would have changed the outcome in all six of the swing states won by Joe Biden,” the MRC determined.

The poll found that a massive 82% of voters were unaware of at least one news item presented and 5% were unaware of all issues. The poll surveyed 1,750 Biden voters across seven swing states – Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

The Media Research Center polled Biden voters across various swing states and found that if they were made aware of various news stories the media buried, votes would have changed enough to give President Donald Trump a second term. (Credit: The Media Research Center)

The Media Research Center polled Biden voters across various swing states and found that if they were made aware of various news stories the media buried, votes would have changed enough to give President Donald Trump a second term. (Credit: Courtesy of The Media Research Center)

Of the eight stories, five were about Trump successes that the media largely suppressed, according to the MRC. Without the alleged media suppression of all eight stories, enough people would have voted differently to change the election result, the MRC stated.

In total, 17% of Biden voters wouldn’t have voted for him had they been aware of the stories, the MRC’s poll found.

The first story surrounded five pre-election jobs reports from June 5 to Oct. 5. Despite the impressive numbers of these jobs reports, 39.4% of Biden voters surveyed didn’t know about it, according to the poll. More than 5% of them said they would have changed their votes if they did know about these stories, according to MRC.

Going along with Trump’s successes, the Trump administration garnered a big jump in economic successes on Oct. 29. Almost half of Biden voters polled did not know about this record and 5.6% said that, had they known it, they would not have voted for Biden, according to the MRC.

Trump’s historic deals regarding foreign policy were also underreported by the media, resulting in 43.5% of Biden voters saying they were unaware about various agreements in the region. A total of 5% of Biden voters said they would have changed votes with this information available, the MRC reported.

Similarly, over half of Biden voters were unaware of the Trump administration’s efforts with energy independence – notably the fact that America became “a net exporter of oil for the first time in September 2019,” according to the MRC. As a result, 5.8% of Biden voters said they would have changed votes.

The MRC’s poll also found that despite mass coverage of the coronavirus pandemic, many people didn’t know about details of Operation Warp Speed. The poll found that 36.1% of Biden voters didn’t know about Trump’s role in getting vaccines researched and 5.3% of those polled said they would not have voted for Biden had they known.

The poll also found that the media’s underreporting of Biden allegations – when former staffer Tara Reade accused him of sexually assaulting her in the 1990s – played a role in election votes. Over one-third of people surveyed who voted for Biden did not know of these allegations, according to the MRC(RELATED: ABC News At It Again: Tara Reade Would Be Second #MeToo Story The Network Was Accused Of Burying)

More recently, media and social media heavily censored coverage of Hunter Biden’s finance scandals. This also affected the results, as did a story about Joe Biden’s running mate Kamala Harris, the poll found.

“It’s important to note that not all of these voters would have switched to President Trump, of course (although about 6% of Biden’s voters say that’s exactly what they would have done),” the MRC wrote. “Just by choosing to abandon Biden, these voters would have handed all six of these states, and a second term, to the President — if the news media had properly informed them about the two candidates.”

“The most basic principle of our electoral system is that our leaders are chosen by the people themselves. But if the people are given systematically one-sided information, with crucial facts omitted, then the real power to choose has been stolen from them,” the MRC added.

MRC’s poll, conducted by The Polling Company, was done entirely online from Nov. 9-18, 2020. The poll’s accuracy is +/- 2.34% with a 95% confidence interval.