5 Reasons You Should Consider Purchasing A .TECH Domain In 2021

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If you’re hoping for your brand or website to make a splash online in 2021, it’s true that blogs, paid ads, and fancy graphics will help. But if your landing page has a generic, boring domain name, all that other fun stuff may not even matter that much.

The truth is that choosing the right domain name for your brand, project, or corporation can play a big role in the way it’s perceived online. It’s oftentimes the first thing potential clients or customers see. That’s why picking an effective, memorable domain name is crucial to the success of your brand or organization — and by using a .tech domain extension, you’ll have a lot more options to pick from.

While there are countless reasons to choose a .tech domain for your landing page, here are five definitely worth exploring.

1. .TECH Domains Have More Availability

As we mentioned above, one of the key benefits of .tech domain extensions is that they’re much more readily available. Unlike other domain options, like .com and .net., .tech has an array of available domain names to choose from, allowing you to get creative and choose something meaningful that best represents who you are and what you do.

2. It Provides Context for People Visiting Your Site

.tech domains are universally recognized as being an authority in the tech space. Currently, over 300,000 different companies, influencers, tech enthusiasts, causes, and more are choosing .tech to house their landing pages, including CES (www.ces.tech) and Intel (www.insight.tech). That means that when fresh eyes stumble upon your site, they’ll automatically understand what you’re about to some degree, giving your brand a universal appeal.

3. It’s a Branding Opportunity

When you’re affiliated with a .tech domain name, you automatically give your project, company, or product an authoritative voice online as a member of the exclusive tech-savvy community. You instantly project legitimacy and professionalism to whoever visits your page. And since so many one-word names are available under .tech, you can make a much more intentional decision.

4. You Might Enhance Your Google Search Rankings 

If you’re selling a product, promoting an organization, or building a brand, you want people to be able to find you. And with .tech domain names, you can choose from tons of short, effective keywords, automatically giving your brand an SEO boost. That way, users will stumble upon your landing page, blog, social media accounts, and more, faster, and without spending marketing dollars.

5. You Can Keep It Short and Snappy 

With the ability to choose the perfect name for your domain, you don’t have to settle for something simply because it’s all that is available. This gives you the unique opportunity to create something short, catchy, and memorable, helping potential clients, customers, and followers to remember you and pass your name along more easily.

Ready to give your brand the boost it needs with a .tech domain name? Now is the perfect time! That’s because, for a limited time, you can use the coupon code TECHNOW at check-out to snag a whopping 80% off both 1-year and 5-year domains with .TECH Domains.

Prices subject to change


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