HBO host Bill Maher suggested that the United States is “entering an era of re-segregation that’s coming from the left” during a Friday night “Real Time” conversation with Democratic data scientist David Shor.
Shor, who worked on former President Barack Obama’s 2012 campaign and is currently head of data science at progressive nonprofit OpenLabs, was making the case that since most Americans do not agree with leftist values, Democrats should instead focus on issues most people “agree with us on” in order to win elections.
“We seem to be entering an era of re-segregation that’s coming from the left,” Maher said, responding to a comment by Shor about the “geographic sorting” of liberals trending to urban areas. “I mean, on many college campuses, there are separate dorms, separate black dorms, graduation ceremonies, stuff like that. How will that affect elections in the future?”
Shor seemed to agree with Maher’s point, adding that “racially integrated schools make people more liberal.”
“I think just to go back, I think that the important thing is to just realize that most nonwhite voters are not liberal,” Shor said. “They don’t identify as liberal. We should take that really seriously, realizing that most voters don’t share our values means that we should instead we should try to meet people with the values that they actually hold and we should talk to them about issues that they care about.” (RELATED: JIM CROW: Segregation-Loving Ivy League Students Demand Separate-But-Equal Dorms)
In an interview with the Intelligencer last week, Shor warned Democrats that Hispanics’ liberal views on immigration may be exaggerated and that extreme views from the left could push more Hispanic voters away.