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Vivian Sanchez on the Importance of Having Women in Leadership Positions

DN News Desk Contributor
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Women leaders are leaving their mark across every industry today with their compassion and integrity. Vivian Sanchez, a successful businesswoman and a prominent name in the lighting and designing industry, says, “Women today adorn multiple responsibilities at once, seamlessly managing both home and work. Women have a distinct ability to see through dreadful problems in a new and unusual way and are capable of finding solutions with a creative approach.”

Vivian Sanchez believes in the power and potential of the modern woman, and she feels more women should be pushed and encouraged to take up leadership roles.  Here, she shares a few reasons that make women great leaders and role models.

Women are great listeners.

“Listening to opinions different from your own is a powerful tool that can bring about significant change,” says Vivian Sanchez. As per her, being great listeners is one of the attributes that make women incredible leaders. Understanding the customer’s requirements keenly and communicating effectively with team members followed by appropriate delivery ensures that a business keeps running smoothly.

Women are lateral thinkers.

“Women are great at finding solutions, and they have the ability to look at problems in a much deeper way,” explains Sanchez. Despite being a civil engineer, Vivian Sanchez pursued her passion for lights and design and leveraged her lateral thinking abilities to found The Lighting Studio. “The idea behind The Lighting Studio is to offer our clients the opportunity to see how the manipulation and careful use of light can dramatically enhance the interiors of their homes,” she adds.

Women have empathy and the ability to hold a team together.

Women wear different hats in their personal and professional lives. Vivian Sanchez notes, “Women have the ability to connect deeper with people, both clients and team members, and empathize. Women leaders motivate, dream big, overcome constraints, and inspire the entire team.”

Vivian Sanchez encourages women to leverage their unique strengths to pursue their dreams and rise to the top. She believes that, above all, the desire to make a positive difference in other people’s lives is what makes women such incredible and inspirational leaders and hopes more women come forward to grab their destiny with both hands in 2021.

Members of the editorial and news staff of the Daily Caller were not involved in the creation of this content.

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