
Washington Middle School LGBT Club Won $2,000 For Setting Up Drag Show

(Angela Weiss/AFP via Getty Images)

Chrissy Clark Contributor
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A Washington state school district rewarded LGBT-allied middle schoolers with $2,000 for attempting to set up a drag show for students, according to a report from a Washington radio station.

Bellingham Public School’s Whatcom Middle School awarded the Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA) club won the “Think BIG competition” for pitching a middle school drag show for students aged 10 to 14, according to KTTH.

Students were awarded the funds for pitching the best way to spend Bellingham Public Schools Foundation’s cash in 250 words or less, according to a report from Newsmax. The drag show idea reportedly beat out pitches for building storm gardens, buying serapes for graduating seniors and helping meet the transportation needs of students.

The winning pitch for the “Drop-Dead Gorgeous Drag Show” reportedly read, “If GSA received a fund, and was able to use that fund to spread the queer word, we know it would help awareness with bullying and homophobia, and why it isn’t ok [sic].”

“It would also help people know that there is a GSA, and that it is a safe space for queers and allies all around,” the pitch continued. “We want to make the world a safer space for queers, and all other peers.” (RELATED: Wisconsin ‘Drag Teacher’ Dances For Students In School’s ‘Fine Arts Week’) 

A district spokesperson told KTTH that the judges for the Think BIG event refused to comment.

“In their application for the contest, the [Whatcom Middle School] GSA stated that, if they won any of the Foundation’s grant funds, they would use them to plan a student drag/talent show and additional outreach activities to support students, such as anti-bullying posters or campaigns,” the spokesperson said.

Bellingham Public Schools did not respond to the Daily Caller’s request for comment.