
Americans Think Student Loan Forgiveness Will Make Inflation Worse: POLL

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As the Biden administration is expected to reveal whether it intends to extend the moratorium on student loan payments or forgive student loan payments entirely, a new poll by CNBC/Momentive shows that 59% of Americans believe that student loan forgiveness would make inflation worse.

Despite this, only 30% of Americans believed that there should be no student loan forgiveness, according to CNBC. Of adults polled, 32% believed that all holders of student loan debt ought to be forgiven, while 34% believed that only those most in need ought to have their loans forgiven. (RELATED: Federal Loans Helped Elite Grad Students Rack Up $11.2 Billion In Debt — And Many Can’t Pay It Back)

The CNBC poll sampled 5,142 adults nationally, from Aug. 4 to 15. No margin of error was given.

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