National Security

Abbott Sends Bus Of Illegal Migrants To Dem-Run Philadelphia

(Photo by Brandon Bell/Getty Images)

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Jennie Taer Investigative Reporter
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Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has sent a bus of illegal migrants to the Democrat-run city of Philadelphia, according to a statement.

Abbott has already bused thousands of illegal migrants to several sanctuary cities that include Washington, D.C., Chicago and New York City. The U.S. Mexico border has experienced a record influx of migration, with over 2.3 million migrant encounters in fiscal year 2022. (RELATED: FBI Director Contradicts Mayorkas’ Claim That Border Is ‘Secure’)

The new fiscal year, which started in October, is already on pace for another record with over 230,000 migrant encounters.

“The Lone Star State will continue doing more than any state in history to secure our border, including adding more sanctuary cities as drop-off locations for our busing strategy,” Abbott wrote in a tweet Tuesday.

A migrant bused from Texas take selfies in D.C. Jennie Taer//Daily Caller News Foundation

A migrant bused from Texas take selfies in D.C. Jennie Taer//Daily Caller News Foundation

Just before making the announcement, Abbott declared an “invasion” to invoke more state resources dedicated to border security, giving his authorities the power to “turn back” illegal migrants, build a border wall and declare the Mexican drug cartels foreign terrorists.

Abbott won reelection a week before he made the announcement.

Before Abbott’s announcement, the city of Philadelphia was already preparing and expecting Abbott to send a bus of illegal migrants its way, Democratic Mayor Jim Kenney’s office previously told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

“Since the summer, the City’s Office of Immigrant Affairs and the Office of Emergency Management have been preparing for the potential arrival of migrants via unplanned and uncoordinated bus routes from southern states,” Kenney’s office said.

“The agencies have been meeting and coordinating regularly with nearly 15 local community-based organizations and partners to plan a local response, including preparations for immediate reception and shelter space, emergency health screening, food, water, and more. The group has been meeting since August when community leaders alerted the city to the increased bussing to nearby cities of Washington, D.C. and New York City,” it added.

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