
‘You Shouldn’t Write Her Off’: BBC Reporter Says Kari Lake Has Lots Of Potential

[Screenshot MSNBC]

Brianna Lyman News and Commentary Writer
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BBC News’ U.S. special correspondent Katty Kay said Thursday morning on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that Kari Lake, who lost Arizona’s gubernatorial race, is a “skillful” politician who shouldn’t be counted out.

The panel was discussing Arizona, where one county is delaying certification over alleged voter fraud, which could potentially flip two close races that were called in Republicans’ favor. Arizona’s 6th congressional district would flip Republican to Democrat while the race for state superintendent of public instruction would also flip to Democrat.

Kay said the county that is withholding certification is shooting itself in the foot, but then turned the focus toward Lake. (RELATED: ‘Can I Just Dance?’: Ana Navarro Asks To Revel In Republican Kari Lake’s Projected Loss)

“What’s fascinating at the moment is watching Kari Lake,” Kay said. “When I interviewed her over the summer and spent time with her, she was bombastic, reveled in the fight. Reveled in owning the libs.”

“Supremely confident,” one of the hosts chimed in.


“In a way that was kind of brash. I would say she’s a very skillful retail politician. I have seen her work a room with voters. She’s really good at it. You shouldn’t write her off as a political force because of this. She has a talent there. Watching her Twitter feed recently and the videos that have come out of it. She’s subdued. She’s not defeated but not fighting anymore.”

Lake refused to concede to Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, citing voting delays and malfunctions that plagued Maricopa County on Election Day. At least 20% of tabulation machines malfunctioned. The county recorder later apologized for the voting delays and issues.