Tampa Strip Club Bouncer Thwarts Masked Gunman

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A security guard at the Tampa Bay strip club Mons Venus saved countless lives early Sunday morning when he stopped an assailant attempting to enter the club with a gun.

The suspect, 44-year-old Michael Rudman, approached the establishment with a flashlight in his left hand and a firearm in his right. He allegedly opened the door before the security guard grabbed the gun from him, wrestled it out of his hand, and after a brief struggle, subdued him with the help of two other security guards. One of the guards sustained minor injuries from the scuffle, Tampa Police said.

Rudman arrived on the scene in a silver pickup, which police searched and found knives, ammo and additional firearm accessories, according to state officials. The police also say they found two magazines in his pockets.

Although they have not released a motive, police say Rudman had visited Mons Venus the night before, Fox35 Orlando reported.

Rudman now faces charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and battery, among others, according to Tampa officials. Officials report Rudman previously received charges of domestic violence, battery, reckless driving and DUI from the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office.

He is currently being held without bail at Falkenberg Road Jail, according to Tampa Police.

“There is no question that the security guards who disarmed this suspect saved dozens of lives through their heroic acts, and I am thankful that our officers were able to take this individual into custody before he had the chance to carry out whatever he had planned,” said Tampa Bay’s Interim Police Chief Lee Bercaw.