REPORT: Texas Children’s Hospital Providing Transgender Treatments Despite Promising To Stop

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Texas Children’s Hospital has reportedly been providing transgender treatments to minors despite promising to stop the practice, according to City Journal.

Whistleblower documents released by City Journal on Tuesday appear to show the hospital has continued providing transgender procedures for gender-dysphoric youth, including puberty blockers and hormone replacement therapy. The documents appear to show that the hospital provided sex-change treatments earlier in 2023 and has future treatments planned for June. The documents describe a 19-year-old “male” who has interest in breast removal, also known as “top surgery.” The documents also describe a 15-year-old who has “questions about surgery.” (RELATED: Oklahoma Bans ‘Irreversible’ Sex Change Surgeries, Cross Sex Hormones For Kids)

Texas Children’s Hospital hosted a presentation titled, “Medical and Psychological Care of Gender-Diverse Youth” in partnership with Baylor College of Medicine this January, according to City Journal. Doctors were reportedly urged to begin sex-change treatments for minors before puberty and consider sex-change operations later.

Children as young as 11 were reportedly treated by Texas Children’s Hospital for sex-change treatments, according to the outlet. These treatments reportedly included the administration of Supprelin LA, a commonly-used implant which releases hormones to block puberty. The hospital also reportedly administered medication, medicine refills, and undefined treatments dealing with testosterone.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton issued an opinion in February 2022 stating his office considered certain treatments for gender dysphoric youth to be “abuse.” Texas Children’s Hospital announced its providers would cease sex-change treatments for minors in March 2022. The announcement came after the hospital claimed the steps were taken to prevent “potential legal ramifications” for its providers and patients’ families, The Washington Post reported.

The Texas state legislature is considering a total ban on sex-change treatments for minors. The bill, if signed, would revoke medical licenses of doctors who perform these treatments.