
‘What’re You Gonna Do?’: Bartiromo Demands To Know How DeSantis Will Take On Government That Targeted Trump

[Screenshot/Fox News]

Brianna Lyman News and Commentary Writer
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Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo went on a tirade Sunday morning demanding to know how Republican Florida governor Ron DeSantis would take on the government and politicized system of justice should he win the 2024 presidential race.

DeSantis first began by defending his sinking poll numbers, arguing it is just a narrative and that the media does not want to see him win.

Bartiromo then noted Trump is far ahead of DeSantis in the polls, arguing “one of the reasons that Donald Trump is in the lead is because of the corruption and the unfairness of our justice system.” (RELATED: ‘I’m Running To Win In January’: DeSantis Brushes Off Polls Showing Trump Ahead)

“I want to know what you’re going to do. What are you going to do about the fact that the FBI worked with Twitter to censor information, amplify lies and suppress truth? What are you going to do about this influence peddling that we see is in plain sight that the Biden family has been doing allegedly for now more than a decade? What can you do about it to straighten things out given the fact that Americans are sick and tired of the corruption they see in plain sight?” she pressed.

“We will end the weaponization of government. And that’s, of course, a new FBI director on day one. That’s the difference between me and Donald Trump. He says the jury’s still out on FBI Director Wray. I think you need a new start on day one. We’re going to clean house at the Department of Justice. And, you know, I look back at, like, the Hunter Biden censorship which was a huge, huge deal to happen in the 2020 election. And yet, you know, those were Donald Trump’s own agencies that were colluding with Big Tech. I would never allow that to happen,” DeSantis pushed back.

“I would fire those people immediately … We’re also going to have one standard of justice in this country. And right now if you’re connected to the D.C. elite like Hunter Biden, I mean, look, if he were a Republican, he would have been in jail years ago, and I think we all know that. But if you’re connected to the D.C. ruling class you’re able to get away with conduct that the average American won’t. So what we have is these institutions have been captured by one particular faction of our society, and they wield power against other factions they don’t like. And so if you’re like a pro-life activist, you may have FBI agents swarm your house even though you said that you would surrender voluntarily. So people see that over and over again.”

“But here’s what it requires, Maria, it requires a president that is disciplined, a president that is focused. You can’t get distracted on this. These people are not going to voluntarily give up the power that they’ve accumulated over many decades of neglect. I’ve shown in Florida the ability to get the job done. We’ve cleaned house in our state whether it’s firing a Soros prosecutor in Tampa, removing a sheriff in Broward — we take the decisive action necessary. But we have got to get it done this time, because if we don’t get it done this time, it’s not going to happen,” DeSantis continued.

DeSantis came under fire in March after he waited several days to condemn the partisan overreach of the liberal Manhattan District Attorney after Trump announced his impending arrest. DeSantis said he had “no interest in getting involved in some manufactured circus by some Soros-DA” and said he’d be focused on issues in Florida while other presidential hopefuls rushed to Trump’s defense.