2024 Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy seemed to announce that if he were to win he thinks he can get the deep state to stop lying about UFOs.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that whomever within the depths of global governments knows the truth about UFOs will not be sharing that information with the public any time soon. Watch absolutely any documentary or television show about alien investigations and you’ll be inundated with counterintelligence information that blurs reality to the point of insanity.
But Ramaswamy thinks that he is the man to change all of that and will force the deep state to reveal the truth. (RELATED: Does Anyone Else Feel Like These UFO Hearings Were A Little Too Convenient?)
“Chris Christie made a joke of [unidentified aerial phenomena] during the debate. Reality: this issue has been raised by credible and decorated members of our military & is currently being investigated by Congress,” Ramaswamy said on Twitter, adding that America deserves “a government that stops lying to its people and just comes clean about what we know [and] what we don’t.”
While this is a really nice idea, it ain’t gonna happen. The only way humanity will ever know “the truth” about UFOs (or UAPs if you’re a freaking nerd) is if they literally land in our backyard and reveal themselves to us as an entire civilization. And even then, the revelation would be marred with counterintelligence and probably used to divide us more.
There is no way anyone with high-level intel of potential alien technology is going to share that with the world because it would literally end our sociological structures over night. Why would anyone bow down to an authoritarian leader if our literal existence in the universe changes fundamentally?
Chris Christie made a joke of UAPs during the debate. Reality: this issue has been raised by credible and decorated members of our military & is currently being investigated by Congress. We deserve a government that stops lying to its people and just comes clean about what we… pic.twitter.com/ZQrOJt8FjZ
— Vivek Ramaswamy (@VivekGRamaswamy) August 29, 2023
But Ramaswamy’s going to get clicks for saying he’s the pro-truth, pro-UFO candidate, so it’s a smart move in the short term. (RELATED: UFO Videos Would ‘Harm National Security’ If Released, Navy Claims)
He similarly wants to reveal the truth about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq (there were none). He wants to know about the 2008 bailouts (they’re still destroying our economy to this day). His list of things he wants to reveal goes on, but most of them are common knowledge to even those who might not get around to voting in 2024 … and they’re just not that important to the everyday American.
So, while all of this sounds amazing and like a nice idea, it just isn’t going to happen. And honestly, we have more important things to worry about. For example, it would be great if just one potential 2024 presidential candidate let us know their plan for mitigating the collapse of our food supply.