
After Leading Calls To Lock People In Their Homes Indefinitely, The WHO Has Decided To Wage A War On Loneliness

(Photo by MAHMUD HAMS/AFP via Getty Images)

Kay Smythe News and Commentary Writer
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The World Health Organization (WHO), whose member’s caused a global loneliness epidemic during the COVID-19 years, declared the psychological disorder as their next “pressing health threat” on Wednesday.

Just when you thought the unelected sociopaths at WHO couldn’t get any worse, they’re now focusing their efforts on tackling the loneliness epidemic they helped create. A November announcement from the organization launched their “commission to foster social connection,” because apparently we mere plebeian humans are incapable of making friends, apparently?

The commission consists of 11 “leading policy-makers” who are unelected by any other human on the planet … and some folks considered “thought leaders and advocates,” in what, who knows? Their specialisms were not specified in the press release from WHO.

“High rates of social isolation and loneliness around the world have serious consequences for health and well-being. People without enough strong social connections are at higher risk of stroke, anxiety, dementia, depression, suicide and more,” WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in the release. “This WHO Commission will help establish social connection as a global health priority and share the most promising interventions.”

Is it just me, or does this sound like WHO is now going to try and put even more tabs on us and our behaviors? I don’t care who these “doctors” think they are, or what they think they know … trying to tackle “loneliness” is not a real mission. It doesn’t address any actual health issues. (RELATED: ‘It’s Just A Matter Of Time’: Scientists Issue Warning As Deadly, Ebola-Like Virus Spreads)

And it’s also revolting to me that none of WHO’s members conceded that any loneliness crisis is the direct result of their tyrannical behaviors during the COVID-19 lockdowns. When, oh when, will We The People wake up and stop taking any direction from the idiots who run these global bodies?