
Police Arrest Jarrell Miller For Allegedly Body Slamming Car Dealership Employee, Fleeing With Truck: REPORT

Photo by Richard Pelham/Getty Images

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Police arrested former pro boxer Jarrell Miller after he allegedly stole a truck Tuesday from a dealership and body slammed an employee in Hollywood, Florida, prosecutors said, WSVN reported.

A woman showed up to the dealership saying she had forgotten her cellphone in the truck, which was repossessed, the employee told investigators, WSVN reported. When the employee went to get the keys, he claimed Miller allegedly grabbed him from the back and put him into a chokehold, according to investigators, the outlet reported.

The alleged victim reportedly told investigators that Miller then threw him to the ground and fled in the truck. 

But Miller, according to police, didn’t know the truck had a tracker installed, WSVN reported. Police reportedly found the truck and arrested Miller near Griffin Road.

An individual, presumably the woman who flagged the dealership employee, was allegedly enlisted as a distraction, Assistant State Attorney Eric Linder told WSVN. 

“He enlisted the assistance of another individual to create a ruse, to distract the employee,” Linder claimed. 

Linder also alleged that the attack was premeditated by Miller. 

“It would appear that Mr. Miller, he knew what the plan was going to this business to get his car back, it would appear, by any means,” Linder said. (RELATED: ‘This Is Just Reckless Behavior’: Top UFC Fighter Blasts Boxing Authority’s Decision To Allow Men To Fight Women)

The former boxer now faces charges of carjacking without a weapon and burglary with assault, according to WSVN. 

Though Miller’s lawyers reportedly argued for lesser chargers, claiming the prosecution lacked sufficient probable cause, the judge differed during the hearing.

“Taking into account the allegations in the probable cause affidavit, the level of force that was used, as well as the manner in which the offense took place, the court does find probable cause as to both counts,” the judge said, WSVN reported.