
Daily Caller Columnist Mary Rooke Explains Why ‘Rigged’ Is Essential To Voters Understanding Elections

Hailey Gomez General Assignment Reporter
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Daily Caller columnist Mary Rooke explained Thursday on Hubbard Radio why the company’s new documentary “Rigged” is essential for voters in understanding elections.

Rooke appeared on “The Joyce Kaufman Show” to discuss Daily Caller’s newly released documentary “Rigged” and its importance to the American voters in understanding the election system. Radio host Joyce Kaufman noted to Rooke the historical aspects of the election system in America which led to the issues within the 2020 election. (RELATED: ‘Rigged’: Death Of The American Voter | TRAILER OUT NOW)

As Rooke detailed a personal story of when she first remembered noticing election irregularities in the system, the columnist highlighted how “secure measures” were not in place during 2020 voting which allowed a “rampant expansion of the absentee ballot” to occur. Kaufman continued on to recall the importance of Election Day within America, which Rooke echoed by stating that it “speaks to where” our country stands now.

“I couldn’t agree more. And I think it really speaks to where we are as a country now, where America really used to be one of the few countries where you could take your vote seriously. It wasn’t like when you were in Iran, or somewhere else like China  – where you couldn’t guarantee that your vote was actually being counted correctly, or the guy that you voted for was going to win in the end,” Rooke stated.

“In America we really had that, we had a sense of pride where we all lined up and we put our name on [ballot] and we said this is who we’re going to vote for. But we’ve now become so relaxed on that. This documentary ‘Rigged: Death of the American Voter’ really goes into 2020 how it became so apparent for every American how far we had fallen. I mean, you had rooms where stacks and stacks of ballots were being sat down without any supervision, without people being able to tell what was going on [within] there.”

“It’s easy to doubt what’s happening to those ballots. It’s easy to doubt our institutions when you see one man winning for an entire night and then all of a sudden, you wake up the next day and thousands of ballots are being found for the other guy. It’s hard to take an election like that seriously,” Rooke stated.  

Kaufman went on to state how “detached from reality” some Democrat messaging has become surrounding election security, with the radio host claiming some have stated that 2020 was the “safest, most secure election.” (RELATED: Corporate Media Overplayed Its Hand With 2020 Election Shenanigans, Says Daily Caller Columnist Mary Rooke)

“That’s exactly it,”Rooke jumped in. “I think that [the] media has no idea what a disservice it did to itself from 2020 and on – not just with the pandemic, but how they handled the election. If you can honestly sit there and say that this is the most secure election when you have six states that only had a [difference of] 10,000 votes. I think in Georgia, it might have been 11,000, but when you see that happening and it’s all swing state, it’s all states that Biden had to win. And then all of those states also had relaxed laws on absentee ballots and you saw people putting pizza boxes up on windows, and all of these things to keep the voter out.”

Rooke stated that the meaning behind the Daily Caller’s film title ‘Death of the American voter” is displayed through how voters are “no longer a part” of the election process in “such a glaring way.” The columnist noted that the pushing of absentee ballots from Democrats changed the process which is allowing voters to conclude that the 2020 election had irregularities.

“That’s what we really mean by ‘death of the American voter.’ We’re no longer a part of this process in such a glaring way now, where the Democrats have been really pushing the idea to be putting the absentee ballot on the forefront because it’s less regulated if you don’t have the secure measures in place to make sure that the supervision is there to protect your vote,” Rooke stated. 

“And it’s not that votes are being stolen. It was that, how can you tell that they’re not? And that’s the hardest part – Americans are not dumb. There’s that old saying where, you know, ‘don’t believe your lying eye?’ Well, we can look and we can see that hanky things are happening. And if you can’t give us a logical explanation to how that’s happening, we’re going to come to our own conclusion. And the conclusion is that you’re stealing our votes from us.”

“Rigged,” which was released Jan. 26, allows viewers to see what issues led the American voting system to the state it is now. Through detailed reporting on funding, historical background, and messaging from Democrats, the Daily Caller’s documentary allows viewers to understand why so many Americans are unsure of the voting process.