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The Proven Science of Transformation: Fabian Tejada’s Approach to Unlocking Human Potential Through Hypnosis & NLP

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While hypnosis has often been depicted as a mystical phenomenon in popular culture, it is, in fact, a field rooted in scientific study. Brain imaging studies reveal that the brain regions responsible for switching between tasks, performing self-reflection, and daydreaming quiet down under hypnosis. Other bodily processes, such as heart rate, blood flow, and breathing, are also calm for total relaxation.

In this case, Neuro-linguistic Programming Master Trainer Fabián Tejada reaches the consultants, entrepreneurs, and athletes who turn to him seeking to banish their negative emotions and beliefs to achieve personal and business success.

Tejada’s Emotional Intelligence 2.0 NLP success program consists of hypnosis and advanced NLP  sessions that allow clients to regress to younger and past selves to identify when they first experienced emotions such as anger or mistrust. Negative emotions are largely rooted in early childhood. As Tejada explains, “85% of our emotional responses are formed before age seven. Sometimes, we might need to go even further back, to when we were in the womb or perhaps even a past life.”

Revisiting the past through hypnosis and advanced NLP helps clients address and heal from old wounds so that nothing is weighing them down as they move toward goals ranging from higher sales in any industry to more present parenting. Tejada points to numerous clients who have tripled their income and achieved other markers of personal, professional, and entrepreneurial success with NLP and hypnosis in only three sessions.

The Master Behind the Movement

Before becoming a NLP Master Trainer, Tejada worked as an industrial engineer for some of the largest construction and mining companies in his native Peru and South America. He applied the diligence and patience for incremental progress that served him as an industrial engineer to pursue a career in science-backed success coaching.

As Tejada explains, “At first, I intended to pursue NLP coaching training and earn an NLP certification. But, my path evolved, and I progressed from an NLP Master Practitioner to an NLP Trainer, reaching the status of an NLP Master Trainer. I also explored additional personal development techniques like Ericksonian hypnosis, Modern hypnosis, Elmian hypnosis, Time Line Therapy, Energy Psychology, Coaching, HeartMath, Values and evolution of consciousness, EFT Tapping, and Higher Self Therapy.”

The only Master NLP Trainer in Latin America certified by the creator of advanced NLP, Tejada runs the Hispanic American Association of PNL and Coaching (AHPNL), the largest NLP school in Latin America. Students can become certified in coaching, NLP, hypnosis, and time-line therapy, among others.

The Latin American NLP Master Trainer’s influence has spread far beyond the confines of the school. Tejada is the author of “What Is Preventing You from Achieving Success” and hosts the podcast “NLP and the Principle of Success”. Both focus on harnessing subconscious mind power and overcoming limiting beliefs.

Dispelling Myths Surrounding NLP & Hypnosis

Though plenty of practitioners and personal development leaders can attest to the empowerment that stems from programming your mind for success through NLP, the method has faced its share of criticism.

Tejada says to those who doubt the efficacy of NLP and Hypnosis, “Hypnosis and NLP have clinical approval and are widely used in hospitals.” The high-level NLP Master Trainer points to numerous scientific articles supporting the effectiveness of NLP and coaching.

Then there are the naysayers who believe that NLP might work a bit too well and be a tool of manipulation in the wrong hands. Tejada urges critics in this camp to consider the following analogy: “If I have a knife and I hand it to a criminal, there’s a high probability that they might hurt someone. But if I give that same knife to a doctor, they could use it to save lives.”

Myths surrounding hypnosis and other alternative approaches to mental health treatment have proven a significant barrier to his brand of transformational coaching’s growth in Latin America, a region traditionally reliant on conventional psychology. Thus, Tejada has dedicated the past 12 years to translating his techniques for Spanish language coaching. Translating NLP techniques at the practitioner level, Time Line Therapy®, Ericksonian hypnosis, and NLP at the Master Practitioner level proved especially challenging. Tejada explains that “precision in language is key when applying techniques like NLP and hypnosis.”

It seems Tejada’s unwavering belief in eroding negative views and preconceived notions is paying off. His is among the most listened-to NLP podcasts in the Hispanic community worldwide. Wins like this have been encouraging. Tejada believes we are in the midst of an awakening in which more people are realizing logical thinking alone has proven insufficient in addressing mental health issues like depression and anxiety.

“I assure my students that they won’t be problem-free, but they will become stronger mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. When challenges arise, they’ll have the confidence and skills to overcome them.”

Members of the editorial and news staff of the Daily Caller were not involved in the creation of this content.

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