
Minnesota Twins’ Draft Choice Spontaneously Bursts Into Action To Save Man’s Life From Massive House Fire

Douglas P. DeFelice/Getty Images

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Minnesota Twins draft prospect Travis Adams heroically dove into a burning building to save a stranger from a house fire Monday in Fort Myers, Florida, WINK News reported.

The prospect, in town only for spring training, sprung into action without hesitation after hearing a loud bang coming from his neighbor‘s house.

“I ran and kind of asked if, like, anyone was in the house and whatnot,” Adams told WINK. “Like no one knew and so me and the guy went to the front door and started like knocking on it. And like someone had to break in the front window. And, like, I think they knew who was in there. He was yelling ‘Howard, your house is on fire, get out.’”

Adams detailed the difficulty in dragging out his neighbor, whom he had never met before.

“We couldn’t like get in. And so I had to go around. And let’s see, there’s another door. And so there was a door on the side. So I end up like tearing a little bit little part of the fence down and get back there and we end up getting the door open and kind of moving some stuff out of the way of that door and getting him out,” Adams told WINK. “My goal was just to help him out of the house because I didn’t know like how much of the house is on fire or, you know, what was on fire. I saw a big old blaze and fire and smoke coming from the house.”

The Twins 2021 sixth-round draft pick was assisted in his heroics by three other neighbors, according to WINK, but he wasn’t looking for high praise. (RELATED: MLB Star’s Excuse For Bullying His Teammate Is Total BS)

“I don’t really think of myself as a hero, but just tried to do as much as possible and did the right thing,” he told WINK.

Beast!! What an incredible human being. This dude, as a sixth-round pick with a six-figure salary, has a lot to lose. His body is his livelihood and yet he didn’t hesitate to put it on the line to save an absolute stranger. How many of us would be so willing to risk it all to save someone we’ve never even met? Not many would be my guess.

I cannot emphasize enough how wholeheartedly I will be rooting for this guy to make the majors. The 24-year-old had fared decently in single-A minor league ball before struggling in his 2023 promotion to double-A. But I have a feeling his strong spirit and wildly courageous heart will help him overcome his early adversity and guide him to a long and productive career. Godspeed Mr. Adams, the world needs more people like you.