
‘Super White Playlist’: Here Are Top 11 Unhinged Tweets From America’s Newest VP Candidate Melina Abdullah

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Third-party presidential candidate Cornel West tapped academic and Black Lives Matter (BLM) leader Melina Abdullah to be his Vice President on Tuesday and the Cal State professor has a history of anti-white and other concerning tweets.

Abdullah, a professor of Pan-African Studies at Cal State LA, is also the co-founder of BLM’s Los Angeles chapter and the executive director of BLM Grassroots, according to the organization’s website.

She has a laundry list of mildly racist tweets against white people for enjoying certain music, among other things. I took a look at some of the most egregious examples and compiled them for you.

Abdullah has a serious beef with Target. In 2018 she chastised the corporate chain for playing music she viewed as too white, suggesting they instead play the Black Panther soundtrack.

A little over a year later, she complained again, this time noting the playlist was “super White” and said she “Complained about the super White playlist piped in loudly to Latino manager.” (RELATED: Dems To Police Third-Party Candidates’ Ballot Access Efforts In Hopes Of Saving Biden)

In 2021, Abdullah dismissed a claim from a self-described moderate dem that San Francisco “husbands are scared for their wives” because of the city’s rampant crime problem as “code language that has justified police brutality, mass incarceration, and the killing of Black people in this country for centuries.”

Yes, you heard that right. If you’re a husband who doesn’t want your wife to get stabbed in the street, you’re a racist.

Another whopper came in 2021 when she called the people who Kyle Rittenhouse shot in self-defense during the 2020 Kenosha, Wisconsin, riots her “comrades”

In 2019, she defended noted antisemite Louis Farrakhan, tweeting that she was “outraged” by Meta’s decision to ban him from their platforms.

A 2022 tweet sees her pin domestic terrorism on a number of the usual suspects — Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson, former President Donald Trump and others. Not very original. But there’s one name that doesn’t often get mentioned in this context that she felt the need to include: Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito.

Brain-rotted leftists typically go for the easy targets when castigating conservatives on the bench like Chief Justice John Roberts or Justice Clarence Thomas, so props to Abdullah for originality I guess.

One thing she mentions numerous times, which disappoints me to no small end, is her insistence that white people are not allowed to come to the Juneteenth cookouts, a statement she’s tweeted multiple times.

I’m fine with Juneteenth being a federal holiday. As a matter of fact, I think it’s great, we should celebrate all parts of our history. But having an expressly segregated holiday is moving backward, not forward. That’d be like if I said no black people at the St. Patrick’s Day kegs and eggs party this year. Not cool.

Finally, in April 2022, she professed a shockingly incorrect take when she claimed people were “NUTS” for predicting a second Trump presidency.

Real Clear Politics currently has Trump beating Biden in the general in their polling database average. While he is only ahead by a margin of error, it’s hardly “nuts” to plan for his victory.

In the same tweet thread, she also exhibited a shocking lack of knowledge on campaign laws and the equal time provision as it relates to cable news, ignorantly tweeting, “And isn’t it illegal for them to campaign for Marco Rubio on the news?”

This woman is a professor, for goodness sake! A molder of young minds! And she thinks it’s illegal for Fox broadcasters to share their opinions at 9:30 p.m. on their cable channel? Laughable.