
Delta Apologizes After Outright Disrespectful Baggage Handler Nearly Annihilates ETSU’s Golf Clubs

[Twitter/Screenshot/Public — @ETSU_MGolf]

Andrew Powell Sports and Entertainment Blogger
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The disrespect is real!

Footage of a baggage handler … “handling” (HA!) … luggage off a Delta Air Lines airplane is going viral, as he was doing it recklessly and carelessly throwing it with zero compassion — zero compassion to GOLF EQUIPMENT, which honestly should be an ultimate sin.

The equipment belonged to the East Tennessee State University (ETSU) men’s golf team. The video of the incident went viral Wednesday. In fact, it created such a backlash that Delta actually issued an apology and asked ETSU for a second chance — or as they labeled it, a “mulligan” (Genius marketing play there from Delta).

East Tennessee took to social media Tuesday night to post the video of the idiot baggage handler, with the clip showing him slamming the squad’s golf clubs on the tarmac with the other baggage handler putting them on a transfer vehicle. And he didn’t make matters any better by rough-housing the clubs like he was too weak to pick them up correctly. Disgraceful! (RELATED: Corrupt And Dumb: 10 Sportsbooks Skip Out On Roundtable Regarding Winning Gamblers Being Limited)

“Nice of Delta to handle our clubs with such care…” ETSU’s account posted on Twitter, as they should have.

Delta issued an apology to ETSU in a statement to TIME.

“We apologize to the ETSU Golf team and ask for a mulligan on how their equipment was handled,” said Delta spokesperson Anthony Black. “We’re in direct contact with the Bucs to ensure they have what they need to successfully compete in the NCAAs.”

Meanwhile, the Southern Conference champions are headed to Carlsbad, California to compete in the NCAA Championships, after advancing past the NCAA Regionals.


I’m offended for ETSU … how dare you handle golf clubs like that?

The disrespect!