
Dem Convention Succeeds In Getting Chicago Police To Say They’ll Actually Arrest Criminals

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Rebeka Zeljko Contributor
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Chicago Police Superintendent Larry Snelling announced Tuesday the department has a plan in place to “mass arrest” protesters who violate the law ahead of the Democratic National Convention.

Officials have expressed concerns about expected protests during the convention in August. Snelling confirmed that “our mass arrests policy is in place,” and said during the briefing that the department is “preparing for the worst case scenario, just in case things go bad.” (RELATED: ‘Deleterious Effect’: Dems Worried Anti-Israel Protests At Convention Could Throw Wrench In Biden’s Campaign) 

“If people show up and they want to act out violently, or they want to commit acts of vandalism, our officers are trained in what’s called field force operations.” Snelling said. “We have specific officers numbered between 2,500 and 3,000 that we’re training to respond directly to civil unrest and the possibility of riots.”

Activist protest across the street from campus while workers and police remove a pro-Palestinian encampment at DePaul University on May 16, 2024 in Chicago, Illinois. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

Over 80 organizations have announced their support for the “March on the DNC.”  The organization’s points of advocacy include calling on the Democratic Party t0 “stand with Palestine” and to “end U.S. aid to Israel,” according to its website.

“The Democratic Party is bringing thousands of people into the city for an event, and we plan to bring thousands as well,” the website reads.

Snelling clarified during the briefing that “First Amendment protection is only there if you’re not committing a crime,” and noted that protesters who are “acting out peacefully” may still violate the law.

“If you block a roadway, or you block a venue, or you’re on private property and you refuse to leave, those are crimes,” he said.

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