
Soldiers Shoot And Capture Gunman Outside US Embassy In Beirut After He Injures Guard: REPORT

(Photo by JOSEPH EID/AFP via Getty Images)

Julianna Frieman Contributor
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Lebanese soldiers shot and captured a gunman Wednesday morning outside the U.S. Embassy in Beirut after he allegedly injured a guard, The Associated Press (AP) reported.

The soldiers stopped the attacker following a gunfight that endured for nearly 30 minutes, according to The AP.

The bloodied suspect was photographed wearing a black vest with the words “Islamic State” written in Arabic and the English initials “I” and “S,” Lebanese media reports revealed. The location of the incident has been ripe with conflict between thousands of Hezbollah militants and Israeli soldiers along the border, The AP reported.

The victim was an embassy security guard, military and embassy officials said. The suspect suffered bullets to the stomach and leg before solders caught him, according to the outlet. He was then transported to the military hospital in Beirut, officials said. (RELATED: ‘Take This Hijab And Shove It’: Bill Maher Slams College Students For Ignoring Iran’s ‘War On Women’)

Joe Abdo, a local gas station worker, told The AP he witnessed the sound of “around 15 to 20 rounds of gunfire” during his morning shift.

“We ran here to see what’s happening and suddenly, the army blocked us from going up,” Abdo said.

The gunman’s name has yet to be disclosed. He is a resident of Majdal Anjar, an eastern Lebanese border town near Syria, according to a Lebanese security officer and two judicial officials. The suspect was previously identified as a Syrian national, The AP reported.

The U.S. Embassy in Lebanon announced its temporary closure in a statement regarding the incident.

“At 8:34 a.m. local time, small arms fire was reported in the vicinity of the entrance to the U.S. Embassy. Thanks to the quick reaction of host country security forces and our Embassy security team, our facility and our team are safe.  Investigations are underway and we are in close contact with host country law enforcement,” the statement says.

“The Embassy will remain closed to the public for the rest of today, June 5, but plans to be open for general business as usual tomorrow, June 6,” the statement reads.