
REPORT: Republicans Pour Seven Figures Into Trump-Backed Rep’s Senate Bid As Primary Battle Heats Up

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Micah Allen Contributor
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The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) plans to make a seven-figure investment into former Rep. Mike Rogers’ bid for Michigan’s open Senate seat, The Hill reported Friday. The outlet did not specify the exact sum.

The former representative is running to replace retiring Democratic Sen. Debbie Stabenow and will likely face off against Rep. Elissa Slotkin in the general election. Rogers received former President Donald Trump’s endorsement in early March. (RELATED: New Projection Of Trump’s Popular Vote Spells Doom For Biden)

The NRSC’s announcement comes roughly two months before Michigan’s primary, in which Rogers faces former GOP Rep. Justin Amash, former Wayne County Commissioner Sandy Pensler, and physician Sherry O’Donnell.

The Rogers campaign plans to use the new funds to launch a “Michigan Field Program” that “will ensure that Mike Rogers’ campaign has the necessary infrastructure on the ground to turn out Republicans and reach persuadable voters that are crucial to winning the general election,” the campaign said in a statement, according to The Hill.

“The Michigan Senate race is one of our top pickup opportunities in 2024. This investment is a direct reflection of our confidence in Mike Rogers’ ability to flip this seat in November,” NRSC spokesperson Maggie Abboud added, the outlet reported.

Michigan will be a critical state for determining control of the White House and the Senate in November. Trump won the state in 2016 and lost it in 2020, both by narrow margins. Michigan has not elected a Republican to the Senate since 1994.

The RealClearPolitics polling average currently shows Rogers leading Amash by 21 points in the primary by trailing Slotkin by 1.8 percent in the general election.

Cook Political Report has categorized the race as “Lean Democrat.”