
ROOKE: The Right Finally Figured Out A Winning Narrative Against Biden

Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images

Mary Rooke Commentary and Analysis Writer
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At least according to the narrative, President Joe Biden is on drugs.

For the first time in recent memory, conservatives have triumphed over the left’s control of mainstream thought. It’s a testament to their collective strength that hardly a person in America would deny the influence of pharmaceuticals on Biden’s behavior. While progressives may dominate the media and social media, conservatives have consistently proven their ability to reshape the narrative.

Biden’s paid social media influencers may try to project an image of an energetic and composed president, but his speeches tell a different story. The right, united in their observations, has brought to light a different narrative, one that resonates with their shared concerns.

This narrative has gained traction because it’s not a far stretch of the imagination to believe that Biden’s doctors have a drug cocktail they administer before he’s set to go out in public. His speeches often start with a high energy level, with him practically yelling at the crowd. As the speech progresses, he gradually lowers his voice, culminating in his signature smile and whisper routine before exiting the stage in the wrong direction.

He consistently seems not to know where he is or where he is going. And maybe the right is wrong. Maybe Biden is working on adrenaline and not hopped up on a secret cocktail to make him “look coherent.” But as we all know, that doesn’t matter. What matters is that the left has a harder time breaking free from this narrative than almost any other.

Conservatives have not just won the narrative war over Biden’s behavior; they have significantly impacted the left’s ability to control it. This is a testament to the power of unity and the effectiveness of conservative voices in shaping public discourse.