‘Guns Will Come Out’: DOJ Charges Man With Threatening FBI Agent Investigating Hunter Biden

Photo by Tom Brakefield/Via Getty Images

Jeff Charles Contributor
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The Department of Justice (DOJ) announced Thursday that it arrested a Texas man for allegedly making threats against an FBI agent involved in the investigation of Hunter Biden.

Timothy Muller, 43, is facing charges for “interstate threatening communications and influencing, impeding, or retaliating against a federal official,” according to a press release.

The complaint alleges that Muller called an FBI special agent on June 11 and threatened his life, the press release reads. The agent had been a part of the investigation into Hunter Biden’s laptop, and the press release emphasizes that outlets had recently reported Biden’s conviction on gun charges.

Muller allegedly phoned the agent and said, “hey,” at which point the agent hung up, the complaint reads, according to the press release. The suspect then allegedly called back and threatened him over voice mail. (RELATED: ‘Never Seen Anything Like This’: McCabe Said Threats Against FBI Are ‘Unprecedented’)

“You can run, but you can’t [expletive] hide,” the suspect allegedly said, the press release reads. “ You covered up child pornography. You covered up [H.B.] raping his own [expletive] niece.”

Muller allegedly said former President Donald Trump is “gonna win the re-election, and then we’re gonna [expletive] go through the FBI and just start throwing you [expletive]s into jail,” according to the press release.

“Or, you can steal another election, and then the guns will come out, and we’ll hunt you [expletive]s down and slaughter you like the traitorous dogs you are in your own [expletive] homes. In your own [expletive] beds,” Muller allegedly added, the press release reveals.

“The last thing you’ll ever hear are the horrified shrieks of your widow and orphans. And then you know what we’re going to do? … We’re going to slaughter your whole [expletive] family,” Muller allegedly continued, according to the press release.

The voice mail was not the only communication Muller allegedly made with the agent, the press release reads. He is accused of sending several text messages taunting the official. In one message, Muller allegedly asked, “How’s the family? Safe?”

Muller was arrested at his home without a struggle, according to the press release.