
Rory McIlroy Pulls Absolutely Cowardly Move After Epic US Open Collapse

(Photo by Andrew Redington/Getty Images)

Mr. Right Daily Caller Masculinity Consultant
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I love me some Rory McIlroy. I wouldn’t want to look at a green blade of Bermuda grass for six months after what happened to him Sunday, much less touch a golf club.

But this was unacceptable.

After McIlroy collapsed in historic fashion to lose the 2024 U.S. Open by just one shot to Bryson DeChambeau, rather than fulfill the customary media availability that would come after a major runner-up’s round, he fled the golf course without facing any questions. Even worse, he didn’t even bother to shake hands and congratulate Bryson for an all-time victory. (Click HERE to sign up for Mr. Right’s weekly newsletter — it’s FREE)

I’m gutted for Rory. He’s a real good guy in a sport that isn’t always made for them. A family man. A man who didn’t sell out for Saudi money when so many of his contemporaries did. Sunday will be tough for him to ever live down, blowing a 2 shot lead with 5 holes to go by missing two putts under 4 feet and not even getting to a playoff. I wouldn’t want to get questioned by a bunch of square reporters and look in the face of my opponent about my nightmarish afternoon either.

But being a man is about being accountable, and there’s no time when accountability is more necessary than in our lowest moments. Past legends of the game, from Phil Mickelson, to Greg Norman, to Jean van de Velde all faced the music after brutal, historic collapses.

Rory should’ve stepped up to the podium and exited gracefully, and with some explanation for what happened, not gotten to the airport before Bryson could even turn in his scorecard. And perhaps even more than facing questions, Rory should’ve been there to shake Bryson’s hand and congratulate him for winning the toughest test in golf. He at least owed that to his fellow competitor.


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