
‘Mad King’: Cenk Uygur Blasts Defense Of Biden’s Mental Fitness, Tells Dems To ‘Pull Him’

(Screenshot/YouTube/"Piers Morgan Uncensored")

Hailey Gomez General Assignment Reporter
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“The Young Turks” host Cenk Uygur blasted the defense of President Joe Biden’s mental fitness Monday on a Piers Morgan show, calling for Democrats to “pull him” from the ticket in order to beat former President Donald Trump in the upcoming election.

Uygur appeared on “Piers Morgan Uncensored” to discuss a recent viral video of Biden appearing to be led off a fundraiser stage by former President Barack Obama after wrapping up a sit-down talk. While Morgan clashed with progressive Youtuber Brian Tyler Cohen over the viral video, Cohen attempted to defend his stance by stating that Biden was “doing what he always does which was waving at the crowd” as Cohen noted that he had been in the room at the event. (RELATED: ‘Biden Is A Drag On The Ticket’: Jake Tapper Presses Dem Senator On Biden’s Low Swing State Polls)

“Yeah, it’s actually very depressing on a number of fronts including that my side, the Democrats, have now become like MAGA,” Uygur said. “Sorry Brian, I love you. I think you’re a great guy, super smart. You lay out your case as well as anybody can lay it out. But we do all have eyes and ears and the Democrats are starting to look like MAGA denying that, you know, the MAGA says, ‘Oh, Trump won the election in 2020.’ You have to be a lunatic to believe that.”

“But if you think that Joe Biden is a secret dynamo behind the scenes as the Democrats claim, you gotta be borderline lunatic to believe that,” he continued. “No, the guy is in terrible, terrible shape. If he has dementia, they get more stubborn. So what if he digs in and he’s like, ‘I don’t care’ and his mind is actually affected by the ailments that we’re seeing with our own eyes. So the Democrats have become so authoritarian, that they’re like, ‘Oh my god, what if Bernie Sanders wins, what if a progressive wins?’ Let’s all bow our head to the mad king, and that’s what he is at this point.”

Uygur went on to critique Trump’s mental fitness as well, but Morgan jumped in to push back, saying former president sounds just as he did from his interview with him in 2008. Morgan additionally stated that the issue is not with the men’s age but instead on Biden’s “acuity,” warning how the first debate between the two is going to be “utterly humiliating” for Biden.

“Well, Piers, there’s a reason why the debate is historically early,” Uygur responded. “The debates are never before the convention. I think Democrats put the debate before the convention so they’ll have one last moment to try to talk Joe Biden out of this race. Because I — look, I disagree with you slightly on Trump. I think he’s always had the lowest IQ of any human being that’s ever been in public, but I think he’s lost a couple of points. So he went from like a 20 to 15. He’s way, way below Biden, but I get it. He looks energetic, Biden looks like I mean, come on, guys.”

“The emperor has no clothes,” he went on. “They hate me for telling people that the emperor has no clothes, but my job is in news. We all can see how incredibly old he is! So my point is, for God’s sake, pull him! If you don’t pull him, we’re going to lose to Trump! Why do you want to lose to Trump? Why do you want to give up 10 points? Hate me all you want. And every Democrat says it’s my fault, its people — ‘Oh, no, you shouldn’t tell people reality.’ They already see it! You’ve got to pull him if you want to beat Trump. If you don’t want to pull Joe Biden, you’re saying I don’t mind losing to Trump. I don’t mind losing democracy. All the things that I said about Trump, I don’t actually mean it. I don’t think it’s a big deal if he wins. That’s why I’m running this guy who cannot move or speak. It’s absolute madness.”

Reports of top Democrats have circulated about growing concerns for the Biden campaign as polling continues to show Trump in a lead in major swing states. A recent poll conducted in May by the New York Times and Siena College showed Trump leading the president in a head-to-head race with five of the six key swing states in the 2024 election — Michigan, Arizona, Nevada, Georgia and Pennsylvania.