
EXCLUSIVE: Sens. Lee, Lummis Introduce Bill As They Accuse FCC Of Meddling In Elections

Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images

Henry Rodgers Chief National Correspondent
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Republican Utah Sen. Mike Lee and Republican Wyoming Sen. Cynthia Lummis introduced legislation Tuesday that would halt the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) proposed regulations on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in campaign advertising, which were announced just months before the 2024 Presidential Election.

The Daily Caller first obtained a copy of the bill, which is titled the Ending FCC Meddling in Our Elections Act. The legislation would specifically prohibit the use of federal funds to enforce any order issued as a result of the FCC’s proposal. The lawmakers say the notice was supported by strictly Democrat-appointed FCC Commissioners and would result in television and radio providers being required to issue an on-air disclosure every time an ad created with AI appears on their platforms.

“The FCC’s proposal to impose new regulations on political speech involving AI, just months before one of the most consequential elections in our history, represents a clear overstep of their regulatory authority,” Lee told the Caller before introducing the bill. “While I support transparency in the use of AI in campaign ads, I strongly oppose the idea of a Democrat-run federal agency single-handedly changing the rules of political engagement under the guise of regulation.” (RELATED: EXCLUSIVE: Newsmax Misled Mike Lee On Interview Topics Before Cutting Out Ukraine Criticism, Texts Show)


(DAILY CALLER OBTAINED) — … by Henry Rodgers

“The new rule introduced by the FCC’s Democrat majority is their eleventh-hour attempt to tip the scales in favor of Democrats ahead of the presidential election,” Lummis said. “No federal agency should have the ability to interfere in our elections process, and our bill ensures the American people, not a biased agency, determines the outcome of the presidential election.” (RELATED: Senate Republicans Back Big Change To Prevent Repeat Of McConnell Era)

Lee and Lummis argue that the proposed order from the FCC is politically motivated and meant to hurt former President Donald Trump’s 2024 election bid.