
Video Appears To Show Hamas Terrorists Kidnapping Israeli Hostages On Oct. 7

Wikimedia Commons/Public/Tasnim News Agency, CC BY-SA 4.0

Jeff Charles Contributor
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The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) released video footage Monday appearing to show Hamas terrorists kidnapping Israeli hostages during the Oct. 7 surprise attack that started the current war in Gaza.

The footage, posted on X by advocacy group Bring Them Home Now, appears to show hostages being captured by Hamas operatives during the attack that claimed the lives of over 1,200 people. The IDF also published the video online Monday.

The families of the victims approved the release of the footage, the post reads. Their family members are believed to still be held by Hamas as Israel works to eradicate the terrorist organization. In the post, the organization calls for a deal that will result in the release of each of the hostages. (RELATED: Israel Releases Footage Of Daring Hostage Rescue Operation)

The video, which is less than two minutes long, appears to show the terrorists placing bloodied hostages into the back of a pickup truck at gunpoint. Five gunshots can be heard before this as the terrorists appear to fire into a residence. One can hear the terrorists shouting “Allahu Akbar” as they appear to transport their prisoners to a different location.

At one point, a terrorist can be seen holding up one of the heads of the hostages by grabbing him by his hair to take a selfie. A hostage can also be seen holding the stump of his arm, which had been mutilated during the attack. The terrorist group released a video showing him in captivity with a portion of his arm amputated, according to CBS News.

Michael Levy, the older brother of one of the hostages, described the video as “horrific” to the outlet.

“On the most horrific day of his life, I wasn’t able to do anything,” Levy told CBS News. “I’ve never seen him so terrified in my life.”