
New ‘Misleading Video’ Hoax Is Getting Out Of Control

(Photo by Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)

Gage Klipper Commentary & Analysis Writer
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First, we had Russiagate. Then, we had Very Fine People. Skip ahead by about 100 corporate media hoaxes, and we find ourselves at the new “Misleading Video” hoax.

After President Joe Biden wandered out of frame at a G7 meeting to chase a parachute, and stood frozen in a Juneteenth Celebration, the idea that this was all misinformation began bubbling up online. You see, Biden’s not losing it mentally and physically, these are all just selectively edited clips designed to make him look bad. It’s insane, as any honest observer can clearly see, but it was only a matter of time before the corporate media picked up the narrative with the same zeal they attacked public health so-called misinformation.

The New York Times, of course, led the charge against the “misleading videos.” Although “many of them [are] edited or lacking context,” they are painting a “distorted, online version” that “play[s] into . . . voters’ longstanding concerns about his age and abilities.”

The contention is that these are merely small clips, that only appear unnatural because they were stripped of the broader context. Sorry, I don’t know what context freezing up like a corpse for several seconds can ever be normal human behavior, let alone presidential behavior. Biden is very clearly not the man he used to be, as dozens of gaffes, freezes, falls, and wandering incidents throughout his tenure clearly show.

But a slew of reporting has come out in recent days all touting the same line. The “misleading video” hoax, also known as the “cheap fake” hoax is everywhere, as if MSNBC, CBS, The Hill, Rolling Stone and The WaPo all collectively decided on the same line. Coordination is unlikely however, they’re all just instinctively driven by the same partisan hackery.

It’s just not going to work. They’re worried precisely because the videos confirm Americans’ suspicions. If Biden was all there, there would be nothing to worry about. But since most Americans are already overwhelmingly concerned about Biden’s clear deterioration, no amount of crying “misinformation” is going to convince them otherwise.