
Biden Campaign Cashed In Big Day After Trump Conviction

(Photo by JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images)

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Robert Schmad Contributor
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The Biden campaign had its best online fundraising day so far following former President Donald Trump’s felony conviction by a Manhattan jury, according to Politico.

President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign and two of his joint fundraising committees collectively raked in $8.1 million on May 31, the day after Trump was convicted of 34 counts of falsifying business records, Politico reported. The post-conviction bump constituted Biden’s best online fundraising day of the campaign so far, with the president attracting over 114,000 donations on May 31.

“When people hear Trump is getting all this money from his donor base off of [his conviction], Democratic donors are automatically like, ‘OK, how do we counter that?” one Democratic operative said, according to Politico.

The Biden campaign sent out a fundraising email at 9:41 p.m. on May 30, after the former president was convicted, titled “Let’s keep Trump out of the White House,” according to an archive of political fundraising emails. “You know that I hate to ask, but there couldn’t be a more important moment for you to make your first donation to keep this guy out of the White House once and for all,” the email says.

Biden’s campaign sent out another email the following morning titled “Apropos of nothing,” a phrase meaning without reference to anything in particular, again soliciting donations by saying “we think today’s a great day to give to our campaign.” (RELATED: Republicans Outpace Dems In Fundraising As Control Of Key Legislatures Hangs In Balance)

The Biden campaign drew in about 52,000 new donors on May 31, its biggest haul of the campaign, according to Politico.

Following the deluge of cash the Biden campaign took in after May 30, it sought to further capitalize on Trump’s conviction by spending $50 million on an ad campaign targeted at swing states that hits the former president for being a convicted felon, ABC News reported. “This election is between a convicted criminal, who’s only out for himself, and a president who is fighting for your family,” the ad’s narrator says.


Though Biden enjoyed an abnormally high fundraising haul following Trump’s conviction, it was dwarfed by the $52.8 million brought in by the former president in the 24 hours following his conviction.

“Biden and his Democrat allies have turned our legal system into a political tool, and Americans from every corner of the country have had enough,” a pair of senior Trump campaign advisors said in a press release. “This momentum is just getting started and together, as President Trump stated perfectly, Americans will render the real verdict November 5th.”

Trump’s post-conviction momentum has helped the former president achieve a cash on hand advantage over Biden, according to Politico. The former president’s newfound cash advantage is leading to “depression” among Biden’s supporters, an anonymous Biden fundraiser said.

The Trump and Biden campaigns did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s requests for comment.

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