
Biden Will Hammer Ridiculous Talking Point About Economy To Trick Voters During Debate — Don’t Fall For It

(Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

Gage Klipper Commentary & Analysis Writer
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Remember when 51 intel officers wrote a letter in 2020 saying Hunter Biden’s laptop had all the hallmarks of “Russian disinformation?”

Then-candidate Joe Biden went on the debate stage with President Donald Trump and used the letter to parry Trump’s claims about the laptop from hell — and it paid off.

The rest is history: Biden won the election, the laptop was shown to be real, and the letter a part of an orchestrated PR scheme from the Biden Camp.

Democrats think the same trick will work again — this time, with 16 partisan economists. But turns out the American media is a little more savvy this time around.

Sixteen Nobel Prize-winning economists wrote a letter claiming that a second Trump administration would reignite inflation and wreak havoc on the global economy, arguing that Biden’s economic performance is “vastly superior.”

This was undoubtedly timed to give Biden another talking point on the debate stage Thursday night. He’s long been trying to argue that Trump only cares about the rich, despite Americans trusting Trump far more on the economy and inflation. Trust The Experts™ is really all Biden has to fall back on, as if the mom now paying double to fill up her tank and put food on the table cares what they have to say.

But you don’t even need to trust your lying eyes. Fox News already showed the scheme for what it is: more partisan hackery with the sheerest patina of authority. In a completely unsurprising twist, it turns out that the list of signatories is “littered with” Biden donors and outspoken Trump critics, with some donating up to $90,000 to Democrats over his career. The list is mostly made up of elite university professors, including  Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen’s husband, with a long history of boosting Biden’s inflationary economic initiatives. Surely, these are the voices of scholarly objectivity.

Shameless and desperate as he is, Biden will surely still use this letter on the debate stage. It all just goes to show how stupid they think we all are. But these days, the lies are debunked faster than Democrats can spread them.