
‘Take Out Trump’: Left-Wingers Fantasize About Biden Having ‘Immunity’ To Assassinate Trump, SCOTUS Justices

(Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

Nicole Silverio Media Reporter
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The left-wing media and pundits fantasized about President Joe Biden assassinating former President Donald Trump and Supreme Court justices as an official act following the Supreme Court’s presidential immunity decision Monday.

The decision ruled presidents have immunity from prosecution for official acts taken while in office. Chief Justice John Roberts stated in the majority opinion the analysis on which acts in the indictment are considered official are “best left to the lower courts.” Trump appealed Department of Justice (DOJ) Special Counsel Jack Smith’s four-count indictment against him related to conspiring to overturn the 2020 election on January 6, 2021.

Several pundits accused the Supreme Court of being an ally to Trump, while others went as far as to suggest allowing President Joe Biden to assassinate Trump.

The Nation Justice correspondent Elie Mystal claimed Biden was able “to do the funniest thing ever,” prompting social media users to accuse him of suggesting Biden should commit lethal harm to his political opponent.

He further argued Republicans want the president to be “above the law.”

“Technically, I have to write something. But I really have nothing profound to ‘add.’ Presidents are above the law. This is what Republicans want. Republicans control the courts, so they won,” Mystal wrote. “When I started talking about court expansion in 2016…this is why.”

Attorney Bradley P. Moss argued the court has granted the president “unequivocal immunity” to take military action against Trump and execute his former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, who has been sentenced to serve a four-month prison term for his contempt of Congress conviction. (RELATED: ‘O% Chance’: CNN’s Elie Honig Torpedoes Dems’ Hopes Trump Trial Will Occur Before Election)

Left-wing personality Harry Sisson argued the decision allows Biden to “send in the military to take out Trump” and Supreme Court justices.

“According to the Supreme Court, Biden could now send in Seal Team 6 to take them all out,” Sisson wrote. “He could send in the military to take out Trump. He has ‘immunity’ for official acts now!”

“No need to pack the Supreme Court now either. Just get rid of the ones you don’t like and then approve their successors,” another Twitter user wrote. “We can go from ‘life time appointments’ to a job so risky no one will accept it.”

“So if Joe Biden declared today that November’s election is canceled and ordered the military to keep him in power, would that be an ‘official act?'” journalist Aaron Rupar said. “[I]f President Biden declared today’s Supreme Court ruling to be an assault on democracy and ordered Chief Justice John Roberts imprisoned indefinitely, would that be an ‘official act?'”

Users said Biden could “drone strike” the residences of Trump and the justices.

“President Biden can have Supreme Court justices executed for treason,” another said. “He can drone strike Mar-a-Lago. Rape, pillage and murder at will. All in the name of an ‘official act.'”

“I strongly encourage Joe Biden to take advantage of his absolute immunity — which he has been lawfully granted by Trump’s Supreme Court Justices — to do whether ‘official acts’ he needs to do in order to prevent Donald Trump from becoming President,” wrote author and Biden supporter Dash Dobrofsky.

Police arrested a man for his alleged assassination attempt on Supreme Court Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh outside of his home in Montgomery County, Maryland in June 2022. The liberal media dedicated little time to covering the incident, with MSNBC spending no more than 15 minutes discussing it.