
‘They Know He Will Expose Them’: Tulsi Gabbard Says ‘Deep State’ Will Do ‘All They Can To Destroy Trump’

[Screenshot/Fox News/"The Ingraham Angle"]

Hailey Gomez General Assignment Reporter
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Former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard said Monday on Fox News that “deep state” figures in Washington D.C. will do “all they can to destroy” former President Donald Trump.

Gabbard appeared on “The Ingraham Angle” with guest host Jason Chaffetzto discuss the recent push from some in the Democratic Party to replace President Joe Biden as their nominee following the first presidential debate. (RELATED: Conservative Group Working To Out Deep State Bureaucrats Who May Try To Stop Trump Agenda)

“Well, you’ll remember Jason, they didn’t really have a Democratic primary at all,” Gabbard said. “They didn’t give Democrat voters in that primary an option, but here we find ourselves as we see all of this inner squabbling happening amongst Democrats and influential people in the Democratic sphere about whether or not Joe Biden should remain the nominee or whether they should swap him out.”

“You look at why this infighting is happening,” she continued. “It’s because they don’t really care about what’s best for the country, quite frankly, when you look at it really they don’t care about Joe Biden. This isn’t about loyalty to Joe Biden. They’re trying to figure out how best they can stay in power. So they are trying to figure out is Joe Biden that winning horse or do they need to put him out to pasture and find someone else that they believe can win, who will also be a figurehead that they can be the puppet masters for and control.”

“So, you pointed out Jill and Hunter Biden but really I think there’s something far more serious going on here about who’s really in control,” Gabbard continued. “Clearly, Joe Biden showed the country in the debate that he is incapable of being the president and commander-in-chief, clearly is not calling the shots. So we should all be asking who is really calling the shots. And it’s what we know to be the deep state.”

“It’s those who are in unelected positions, political figures, the military-industrial complex, the national security state, their friends in the propaganda media, everyone who gets their power by knowing that they can control this figurehead, which is why they are doing all they can to destroy Trump. They know that he will expose them and dismantle their power,” she said.

Following the debate between Biden and Trump, Democratic pundits were quick to change directions on the idea of Biden remaining the party’s nominee based on his performance. Biden suffered from gaffes, such as freezing mid-statement and lying about U.S. troops dying under his watch. Mid-way through the night legacy media outlets began to post to social media stating how sources were claiming Biden was suffering from a cold.

Since the debate, a CBS/YouGov poll revealed 72% of voters believe Biden does not have the mental and cognitive health to serve as president for a second term.