
ROOKE: Biden Admin Caught Taking Fake Victory Lap On Border. It’s Much Worse Than We Imagine

Photo by FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP via Getty Images

Mary Rooke Commentary and Analysis Writer
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The Biden administration claims that illegal immigration has dropped almost 30% since May, but like most victory laps they take, it’s not real.

U.S. Border Patrol agents told NBC News that June saw the lowest number of apprehensions of illegal immigrants with “just” 84,000 crossings.

“It’s the lowest since President Joe Biden took office,” the regime is screaming at the top of their lungs. “Look at us cracking down on the border! The President’s executive order is working!”

The problem is that the number is not remotely accurate. In reality, the Biden administration allowed more than 100,000 illegal immigrants to enter the U.S. in June. (ROOKE: Wondering Why Europe Is Turning ‘Right-Wing’? Look No Further Than A Girl’s Plea For Help)

The New York Post reported that leaked documents show in addition to the 84,000 people they admit to letting into the country, there were another almost 20,000 illegal immigrants granted “legal” access, making the total number closer to 103,500.

These weren’t counted because Biden uses loopholes through the CBP One app and commercial flights paid for by U.S. taxpayers. Biden allows over 100 countries from Europe, Asia, Australia, and Africa special exempt status from his executive order. His administration is also still bringing in up to 30,000 illegal immigrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela through its humanitarian parole program every month. (ROOKE: Major Political Realignment Is Happening Inside The Democratic Party)

Over 3 million people are waiting on immigration court backlogs, and millions more came undetected. Despite the cheers from our ruling class, the border is still very much wide open. Americans see the effects of these policies every day; ask the families of Rachel Morin, Mollie Tibbetts, Lizbeth Medina, Kate Steinle, Sarah Root, Laken Riley, Jocelyn Nungaray and many more.

We aren’t allowed to notice the intentional destruction Biden’s open border causes because if we do, that makes us racists and bigots.

The left wants you to believe that we are all on stolen land and this country was never ours to begin with, so sit down and shut up about the border. Ignore them. It is our legacy. Our grandparents spilled blood, sweat, and tears, building the greatest country in the world. The best way to honor their efforts is to notice and resist the regime’s plans to take it away from us.