
Replacing Biden Won’t Wash Away His Stench

(Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)

Gage Klipper Commentary & Analysis Writer
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Calls for President Joe Biden to bow out of the presidential race are widespread. It goes without saying that they’re all politically motivated.

The corporate media has not suddenly discovered that Biden is senile, as they claim. They’ve known all along, but simply decided that the president’s liabilities far outweigh his assets. For months, it’s been Donald Trump’s race to lose — and Biden’s disastrous debate performance ensured that a comeback would be all but impossible.

Replacing him might be the Democrats’ last best hope, a true Hail Mary. But even if they pull it off, it won’t wash away the stench of Biden’s administration and all those who covered for it.

First up, the media. The media went beyond mere liberal bias and instead became a Praetorian guard for the Biden administration these past three years. Only a week ago, they were signing the same tune on “cheap fakes” and “misleading videos” that deceptively made Biden look old and senile. A few days later, and Van Jones is on the verge of tears on CNN and The New York Times editorial board is calling Biden to step down.

Hack journos may feign surprise, but the rest of the country clearly saw how a feeble Biden entered office and only got worse. The debate merely confirmed the concerns that polls have consistently shown voters had all along.

The legacy of covering for a tenure of gaffes, falls, wandering and confusion won’t be easily forgotten. The post-debate 180 shows just how fake and contrived it all was from the very beginning. If trust in the media is currently at record lows, just wait until the press immediately becomes lap dogs for whoever Biden’s replacement is.

But the damage goes beyond just the media. Primarily, it is Biden’s own tarnished legacy that will hover over American politics. Any replacement will be forever tied to Biden’s senility. (RELATED: Biden’s Debate Night Was Bad — His Tuesday May Have Been Even Worse)

Most critically, Biden’s condition puts America’s immediate national security at risk. Aides have admitted that the president is only really lucid between the hours of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., meaning that if a national crisis — or attack — were to occur, our enemies would have a 75% chance of catching us without a leader at the helm.  But this is just the most obvious threat.

Biden’s condition also weakens how others perceive us. It’s not that the U.S. suffers under a weakened leader at the moment. The U.S. has become a weak, unserious country by electing him in the first place. Confident citizens of a healthy society would never have elected a man like Biden in 2020, and journalists worthy of the name would never have covered up for him for over three years. What we have is a corrupt, entrenched government by and for the failing status quo. Biden embodies the increasingly clear reality that we are not a serious nation — and our allies know it as well as our enemies. They will treat future administrations accordingly, especially those perceived to be furthering Biden’s “transformational” legacy.

Which now brings us to the policy damage Biden has done domestically over the past three and a half years. He entered office seeking to be a transformational president, and whatever else there is to say about him, he certainly met his goal.

Biden spent more money than God the minute he took office, ensuring that inflation, stagnant wages, and high costs of living are America’s seemingly permanent waking nightmare. His administration took the Department of Justice, the FBI, and the very rule of law itself, and twisted them to target his political opponents. The injustice committed against Donald Trump comes top of mind, but let’s not forget the little people who don’t make the headlines every day: the “domestic terrorist” moms standing up to their radical school boards, pro-lifers targeted for their religious beliefs, and all of the Jan. 6 political prisoners. (RELATED: First Congressional Dem Publicly Calls On Biden To Drop Out Of Presidential Race)

The optics, whether foreign or domestic, all point in the same direction: Biden is the leader of a party, but really a permanent ruling class, that will do anything to stay in power. They’ll lie and cheat, destroy their rivals, and prop up a barely functioning old man just to keep holding on. The whole world knows just how desperate they are, and this realization won’t suddenly evaporate just because a new figurehead comes in at the helm.

The Democratic Party is a political machine. Individuals don’t matter; the collective chews them up and spits them out as needed. Any day now, Biden may receive this very treatment. But even as the party drives away, leaving him to rot on the curb — they’ll never escape the stench.