
Trump Teases Qualities Of VP Pick, When He Hopes To Announce

(Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

Hailey Gomez General Assignment Reporter
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Former President Donald Trump teased Monday on Fox News the qualities his vice president pick will have and the time frame for when he hopes to announce his running mate.

Trump appeared on “Hannity” to discuss his debate performance against President Joe Biden as calls for the president to step aside as the Democratic nominee continued within his party. Fox host Sean Hannity questioned the former president on Trump’s “short list” as top Republican names such as Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance, North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio has all been floated as his running mate option. (RELATED: Poll Reveals Which Vice President Pick Helps Trump With Voters The Most)

“Well you know we started off with a lot of people, we have a lot of good people. We have a great bench in the Republican Party. The names that you mentioned are absolutely under consideration and I haven’t made a final decision, but I have some ideas as to where we’re going. And little bit, we wanted to see what they’re doing to be honest, because it might make a difference, I don’t know I’m not sure that it would. But there are those that say, ‘Trump’s waiting until he finds out what happens with crooked Joe Biden and we will see what happens with Biden,'” Trump said.

“But I think that probably within the next week, week and a half. Probably sometime —I’d love to do it during the convention, my people say that’s a little complicated. You know in the old days they would announce a vice president during the convention. Today, with modern-day technology you can’t do things you could’ve done 50 years ago very easily. But probably a little before the convention but not much. It could even be during convention that we do it. I’d love to do it during the convention, I think it would be a very interesting to build up and important for the convention, would make it even more exciting. It’s going to be amazing, in Milwaukee.”

“We’ll be announcing soon and I think everybody’s going to be very happy, the choice will be very, very good. It’s going to be a great vice president — meaning a person that can do a fantastic job as president because you always have to think of that first and then second somebody that helps you get elected, and there’s nothing wrong with that,” Trump continued.

The 2024 Republican National Convention is set to begin July 15 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and end on July 18, which is where Trump is expected to take the stage as he accepts the GOP nomination for the presidential race. As Trump has previously teased about his options and choice for vice president, the long-awaited announcement has yet to have a concrete date.

According to a Harvard-Harris poll from May, the survey found 25% of voters supporting Trump to largely be in support of Scott on the 2024 ticket, with 23% going for businessman Vivek Ramaswamy and 22% in support of Rubio as the option.