
REPORT: Traveler Caught Trying To Smuggle Over 100 Snakes Stuffed In His Pants

Wikimedia Commons/Public/Required attribution text: Photo: Darius Baužys, CC BY 3.0

Jeff Charles Contributor
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In a bizarre turn of events, Chinese authorities allegedly caught a man attempting to smuggle over 100 live snakes into the country after stuffing them into his pants, multiple outlets reported.

Customs officers caught the individual as he was traveling through a checkpoint between Hong Kong and China, according to a statement, CNN reported.

Upon stopping the man, authorities allegedly found six bags in his pockets full of a variety of snakes, according to the outlet.

“Officers opened the bags and found that each bag contained a number of live snakes in various shapes and colors,” the agency reportedly said in the statement. “After counting, a total of 104 snakes were found.” (RELATED: Man Sentenced After Hiding Three Pythons In His Pants)

Customs officers found five different species of snakes in the bags, according to CNN.

China is a hotspot for animal trafficking, CBS News reported. The authorities have reportedly increased their efforts to stop smugglers trying to bring in animals in violation of the county’s biological and disease management laws prohibiting foreign animals from entry without official approval.

“Those who break the rules will be… held liable in accordance with the law,” Chinese customs authorities stated, according to the outlet.

The illegal wildlife trade has been on the rise in recent years with smugglers targeting China, Vietnam, Laos and other Asian countries, according to the International Fund for Animal Welfare. The issue “poses great risks to public health and safety,” the organization said.

Mexican drug cartels have also entered into the illicit wildlife trade, smuggling exotic animals into the United States, NewsNation reported.