
Alyssa Farah Griffin Spars With Fellow Co-Hosts As They Attempt To Discredit Media’s Concerns About Biden

[Screenshot/The View]

Nicole Silverio Media Reporter
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“The View’s” Alyssa Farah Griffin sparred with her fellow co-hosts Thursday who attempted to discredit the corporate media’s concerns about President Joe Biden.

Co-hosts Joy Behar and Ana Navarro praised Biden’s legislative record while expressing outrage toward a slew of Democrats and Hollywood actor George Clooney, who have called on the president to leave the race.

“And I do think the media has played a role in this,” Navarro said. “And I’ll give you an example. This week, earlier this week, the media, the White House correspondents were breathlessly reporting about this Parkinson’s specialist that Joe Biden saw — visited the White House eight times. Well, the man has been part of the White House medical unit since 2012. When Obama was president, the man visited the White House over twenty times. Did Barack Obama have Parkinson’s?”

“Those are perfectly, legitimate questions that if they were asked in the Trump administration, you guys would be praising because we deserve the answers, even if it’s not the answer, the media —” Griffin began.

“Actually, in the Trump administration, we didn’t know how many times this guy went because you didn’t reveal the visitor logs,” Navarro interjected.

“We need to have a consistency on transparency no matter who the commander-in-chief is, and we should have a consistency of respecting the free press for doing their job regardless of who the president is,” Griffin continued.

Co-host Sunny Hostin backed up Navarro’s point about the visitor logs, with Griffin arguing Americans “are being gaslit by the Biden administration every day.” Hostin further condemned Clooney’s New York Times op-ed calling on Biden to withdraw from the election, and she accused the media of ignoring the Republican platform. (RELATED: Sunny Hostin Says She Is ‘Uncomfortable’ With Kamala Harris Replacing Biden In General Election) 

“Let’s reframe this discussion. Why are we just talking about Trump versus Biden? Let’s talk about Project 2025, the Republican platform, and then let’s talk about the Democratic platform. That is what this needs to be framed as —” Hostin said.

“I don’t know what news you guys watch, I see Project 2025 talked about constantly,” Griffin noted. “We talk about it here. I’ve traveled the country talking about it.

Project 2025 is a collection of conservative policy ideas put forth by members of The Heritage Foundation to ensure “a governing agenda and the right people in place, ready to carry this agenda out on day one of the next conservative administration,” according to its website.

White House logs show Dr. Kevin Cannard, a Parkinson’s specialist, visited the White House eight times in eight months, The New York Times first reported. Cannard has met with the president’s physician, Dr. Kevin O’Connor. Cannard conducted “detailed neurological exams” three times during the president’s annual physicals, according to a memo obtained by Newsweek, but no issues were found.