Unreal Moment As Gold Star Father Reads Names Of Marines, Servicemembers Who Died In Afghanistan Withdrawal

Wikimedia Commons/Public/U.S. Army, Public domain

Jack Slemenda Contributor
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Towards the close of the third night at the Republican National Convention, Herman Lopez, a Gold Star Family Member, read aloud the names of 13 members of the military who died in the 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal Wednesday.

“During last month’s debate [Biden] claimed no service members have died during his administration. None,” Lopez said during his speech. “That hurt us all deeply, so Alicia and I are here to say the names of all 13 servicemembers who lost their lives — all 13 servicemembers who lost their lives at Abbey Gate.”

“David Espinoza. Nicole Gee. Taylor Hoover. Ryan C. Knauss. Rylee McCollum. Dylan Merola. Kareem Nikoui. Daegan Page. Johanny Pichardo. Humberto Sanchez. Jared Schmitz. Maxton Soviak. And my son, Hunter Lopez,” he listed.

Emotions were high as Lopez spoke each name. Everyone in attendance stood up and clapped as Lopez went on. Many were seen with a few tears in their eyes or fully crying. (RELATED: Pentagon Struggling To Determine Which Troop Families Should Fall Under Gold Star Status)


Lopez’s speech has been considered by many to be one of the most moving moments from the RNC convention.

“The Gold Star Families were remarkable. This is one of the most powerful moments of the entire RNC Convention. Honoring the fallen and their families. Incredible bravery,” Jeff Hunt, a 710 KNUS radio host in Denver, posted on X with the full video that was shown to the crowd before Lopez’s speech.

“This made me teary watching it,” one user replied.

Watching again and crying again. All of America should watch. And be angry,” another posted.