
Third Senate Democrat Calls For Biden Exit

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Democratic New Mexico Sen. Martin Heinrich became the third Senator to call for President Biden to bow out of the presidential race, tweeting his statement Friday morning.

Heinrich praised Biden first before calling for him to exit.

“Joe Biden is one of the most accomplished presidents in modern history. He has led our nation through unprecedented challenges with unwavering dedication and profound integrity. His years of service have made a lasting impact on the lives of countless Americans,” Heinrich tweeted.

“However, this moment in our nation’s history calls for a focus that is bigger than any one person. The return of Donald Trump to the White House poses an existential danger to our democracy. We must defeat him in November, and we need a candidate who can do that,” he continued.

“While the decision to withdraw from the campaign is President Biden’s alone, I believe it is in the best interests of our country for him to step aside. By passing the torch, he would secure his legacy as one of our nation’s greatest leaders and allow us to unite behind a candidate who can best defeat Donald Trump and safeguard the future of our democracy,” the Senator concluded.

Henirch joined Vermont’s Democratic Sen. Peter Welch and Montana’s Jon Tester in calling for Biden to quit running. Tester’s eviction notice came mere hours before Heinrich’s.

The three Senators join 24 House Dems in calling for Biden to end his campaign, according to ABC.

The walls seem to be closing in on Biden as leaks reportedly coming from some of his closest allies add to the symphony of backlash following his disastrous June 27 debate performance and his inability to re-instill confidence in his base in subsequent interviews.

Allies of former President Barack Obama reportedly told the Washington Post that he doesn’t see a viable path for Biden to win and that he “needs to seriously consider the viability of his candidacy,” the outlet reported. (RELATED: ‘Cruelty’: MSNBC Contributor Complains About Obama, Democrats Trying To Throw Biden Out Of Race)\

The bombshell news coincided with a flurry of reports that the Democrats are scheming to get the President to leave.

Veteran reporter Mark Halperin reported that Biden “plans to announce withdrawal from nomination as early as this weekend, with Sunday most likely,” in a shocking Thursday tweet.

Halperin also reported that Biden will not resign from the presidency and that he won’t endorse his Vice President Kamala Harris. The Democrats will instead, accoridng to Halperin, run an open convention “with Harris and about 3 others.”

The Biden administration, however, disputed the report.

Biden campaign spokesman TJ Ducklo told Fox News’ Brooke Singman the report was “entirely inaccurate.”

Biden’s Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates also refuted Halperin’s report, calling it “fan fiction.”