
Customers Feel Some Ripples From the Verizon Strike

InternAdmin Contributor
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As a strike by 45,000 Verizon workers approaches the two-week mark, the company’s customers are beginning to feel the impact — and are complaining about it.

Bay Area union workers in San Francisco marched in solidarity with striking Verizon workers on the East Coast.

Verizon acknowledges “minor” disruptions since the strike began on Aug. 7. But some customers of its landline telephone, Internet and cable television service are reporting significant delays getting current lines repaired and new ones installed.

Craig Schiffer, chief executive of a boutique investment bank in Midtown Manhattan, said his firm’s telephone service had been down for nine days, and he could not get an estimate from Verizon for when the phones would be working again — a big problem for a business that relies heavily on phone calls with clients.

Read more:  Customers Feel Some Ripples From the Verizon Strike 
