DC Trawler

TheDC Morning: Barack and the Beanstalk

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1.) Gloria Cain makes it plain: Don’t arraign till you ascertain — Some Cain-defamers have pointed to Gloria Cain’s silence as evidence that her husband Herman is a sexual predator or something, despite the fact that she’s been staying off the campaign trail the whole time anyway. Well, get set to turn on a dime from “Silence proves guilt!” to “She’s just covering for him!” TheDC’s Caroline May reports:

“Gloria Cain will defend her husband, former Godfather’s Pizza CEO Herman Cain, against the sexual harassment allegations that have been leveled against him in her first televised interview set to air on Fox News’ ‘On the Record’ Monday night. In excerpts of the interview provided to The Daily Caller by Fox News, Mrs. Cain addresses for the first time allegations that her husband sexually harassed several women during his tenure as head of the National Restaurant Association, telling Fox News host Greta van Susteren that the allegations don’t sound like they could have been committed by the man she married more than four decades ago. ‘I’m thinking he would have to have a split personality to do the things that were said,’ she says. Mrs. Cain tells van Susteren that her husband respects women. ‘You hear the graphic allegations and we know that would have been something that’s totally disrespectful of her as a woman,’ she says. ‘And I know the type of person he is. He totally respects women.'”

So now it’s time to find reasons that A) Gloria Cain’s denial doesn’t matter, B) It proves the exact opposite of what she’s saying, or C) Somehow both. In the meantime, we’re still waiting for Sharon Bialek’s “stained blue dress,” or even so much as a dry-cleaning receipt.

2.) A Frenchman and a Kenyan-American walk into a hot mic… — Have you heard that one? It’s hilarious! TheDC’s Jeff Poor reports:

“Early last week at the G20 summit in Paris, a hot microphone picked up a private conversation between President Barack Obama and French President Nicolas Sarkozy in which the two leaders were griping about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. ‘You’ve had enough of him, but I have to deal with him every day,’ Obama reportedly said after Sarkozy called the Israeli leader a liar. President Obama was finally asked about the exchange in a Sunday afternoon press conference in Honolulu. NBC White House correspondent Chuck Todd asked Obama to ‘clarify’ his end of that conversation dealing with the Israeli prime minister, but Obama declined to elaborate on it, only saying that his private position on Israel is no different from what he says in public.”

Yep. And now we have proof. There’s nothing more public than a live microphone.

3.) Collaboratico — The fact is, Politico and MSNBC go together like rumor and innuendo. Jeff Poor reports:

“An analysis of one week of MSNBC’s broadcasts, starting at 6 a.m. Monday, Nov. 7 and ending Sunday, Nov. 13 at 12 p.m., identified at least 24 appearances by Politico reporters and editors. MSNBC has allotted regular segments to Politico during its broadcast day, including the ‘Political Playbook’ segment on ‘Morning Joe’ and the ‘Political Briefing’ segment on ‘Andrea Mitchell Reports.’ But even without those two regular segments, the newsroom studio in Politico’s suburban Virginia headquarters is a regular fixture on MSNBC’s air. Over the course of last week, the majority of MSNBC’s daily shows — nine out of 16 — showcased at least one Politico employee… Despite the close ties to MSNBC, Politico reporters do appear on other cable channels. Politico’s Kenneth Vogel, for example, is a regular guest on Current TV’s ‘Countdown with Keith Olbermann…’ Other Politico reporters have appeared on CNN, especially in the weeks since Politico first reported sexual harassment allegations against Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain. One network that does not host Politico reporters is Fox, the largest cable news network… Politico did not respond on Friday afternoon to The Daily Caller’s questions about its relationship with MSNBC.”

They’re too busy not finding any evidence of wrongdoing by Herman Cain. Well, that’s another clue to the mystery of why Americans don’t watch MSNBC, CNN, and most particularly Keith Olbermann.

4.) Beating up gays is bad, except when you don’t like them — Gays have made great strides toward public acceptance over the last few decades, but there’s still one lifestyle choice they’re not allowed to indulge in: disagreeing with liberals. TheDC’s Alex Pappas reports:

“A cast member of the gay reality TV show ‘A-List Dallas’ tells The Daily Caller that he was punched to the ground and bloodied Friday night by someone vandalizing his car because he’s a gay conservative associated with commentator Ann Coulter. Taylor Garrett, a Republican consultant in Texas who stars in the reality series on the channel LOGO TV, said in an interview that he was attacked outside a birthday party in Dallas after finding a vandal scratching ‘F–k Coulter’ on the side of his car… Photos provided by Garrett to TheDC show the phrase about Coulter keyed in large letters across his car. Other photos show Garrett with a bloody ear and blood covering his white shirt. ‘I was at a party and one of my friends arrived and I had a present for him, so I went back to my car to get the present,’ he recalled. ‘When I walked out to my car, I saw someone squatting next to my car.’ After asking the vandal what he was doing, Garrett said the large man stood up and decked him in his left eye. Garrett fell to the ground. He also scraped up his body by falling into some glass that was next to his car, Garrett said. The attacker got away.”

Cognitive dissonance time, libs: Gay-bashing is bad, but so are gay people who don’t believe the same things you do and dare to associate with those you don’t like. Ready… Set… Rationalize!

5.) Barack and the Beanstalk — Get this: Obama wants to raise taxes. What else is new, right? But the best part is that now he’s openly using fairy tales to make his case. TheDC’s Neil Munro reports:

“Congress’s 12-member deficit-cutting super committee should raise taxes, President Barack Obama said during a press conference on a Hawaiian beach Sunday evening. ‘There aren’t any magic beans that you throw on the ground and money grows on trees — you’ve got to do the responsible thing,’ he told reporters at the event, which was held at the close of the Pacific-wide APEC trade meeting.”

Obama is using children’s stories to explain his economic policy. That must be why he keeps trying to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. Shhhh, don’t tell him the one about the unclothed emperor!

6.) Today’s words of wisdom from Alec Baldwin’s Truther, er, Twitter feed — “The anonymity of the Internet makes for both brave comments and asperous judgments. How about a break from this Twitter thing? If you wish to unfollow, I understand.”

VIDEO: Zuccotti Park says, “Hey, hey! Ho, ho! What’s the point here? We don’t know!”

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