
Cops raid Justin Bieber’s house over egging incident [VIDEO]

Taylor Bigler Entertainment Editor
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There may finally be legal ramifications for Justin Bieber’s obnoxious behavior. (RELATED: Justin Bieber eggs neighbor’s house)

Eleven Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department vehicles parked in front of Bieber’s Calabasas mansion early Tuesday morning with a warrant to search his home for evidence in last week’s egging incident, TMZ reports.

Bieber’s neighbor shot video of the pop punk throwing eggs at his house and screaming profanities back and forth at each other. The neighbor claims that the incident caused $20,000 in damage to his house.

Cops Bieber's house

TMZ claims that the sheriff’s department has a felony search warrant and that they are looking for possible surveillance footage or other evidence that links him to the vandalism. In the video, you can tell that it is Bieber yelling by his girly voice, but you cannot make him out because it is too dark.

The cops apparently detained Bieber in his own garage while they searched his home.

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